Kansas Hunting Atlas Debuting Soon

PRATT – Hunters anticipating the arrival of Kansas’ newest hunting atlas won’t have to wait much longer. Produced annually by the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT), the 2019-2020 Kansas Fall and Spring Hunting Atlas includes maps of Walk-in Hunting Access (WIHA) properties – private lands leased by KDWPT and opened to public hunting – and state and federal public wildlife areas. While printed copies are slated to hit shelves prior to September 1, hunters can get their hands on an electronic copy now by visiting ksoutdoors.com and clicking “Hunting,” then “Where to Hunt.” Printed copies, once available, may be requested by calling KDWPT’s Pratt Operations Office at (620) 672-5911.
Hunters are encouraged to retain their hunting atlas through the 2020 spring turkey seasons, as the 2019-2020 atlas includes both fall and spring Walk-in Hunting Access (WIHA) enrollments; a separate spring atlas will not be printed.
More than 1.1 million acres of land has been enrolled in the WIHA program for upcoming seasons, with more than 4,400 unique tracts mapped. And while the printed atlas will be up-to-date as of its print date, additional acreages may be added to the program post-printing, as landowners continue to sign up. Hunters are encouraged to view the online atlas throughout the season for the most current maps.
All WIHA properties are designated with signage displaying the lease dates, which can begin Sept. 1, Nov. 1, or April 1, and end Jan. 31, March 31, or May 31. All regulations for KDWPT public lands apply to WIHA properties, and accessing a WIHA property prior to or after the lease dates shown is prohibited.
To learn more about the WIHA program, or to download an electronic copy of the 2019-2020 Kansas Fall and Spring Hunting Atlas, visit www.ksoutdoors.com.