2021 Birding Big Year Results, 2022 Contest

For Immediate Release:
February 21, 2022
Nadia Reimer CMP®, Chief of Public Affairs
(785) 338-3036
2021 Birding Big Year Results, 2022 Contest
PRATT – The 2022 Kansas Birding Big Year competition, hosted by the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (KDWP), is officially underway! Participation is simple; record the number of unique bird species you see in Kansas from Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 2022 and submit your findings. You just might end up a 2022 Kansas Birding Big Year winner!
Participants of all skill levels are invited to compete in one of three age groups: youth (age 17 and younger), adult (ages 18-64), and senior (age 65 and older). The winners from each category will receive prizes to be awarded in January 2023.
Participation Guidelines
- Participants must register online at ksoutdoors.com/services/Wildlife-Diversity/2022-Kansas-Birding-Big-Year on or before April 1 to participate in the 2022 contest.
- Participants must read and abide by the set of rules governing the competition. These rules are adapted from the American Birding Association Recording Rules and Interpretations and include the Code of Birding Ethics. Breaking or disregard for these rules will result in disqualification.
- Participants must log their data into the online service, eBird, available on the Cornell University website, www.ebird.org. Each participant will need to create an individual profile, with sign-in and password to begin the submission of sightings.
- Participants must submit a running total list of observed species quarterly to the program coordinator. This is to help track progress and provide quality control. The program coordinator and competition committee have final say on list totals. Quarterly submission dates for the 2022 contest are: June 30, September 30 and December 31.
Winners will be recognized, and prizes will be awarded, in mid-January of the following calendar year. Award categories are as follows: Youth, Adult Novice, Adult Intermediate, Adult Advanced, and Senior.
The 2021 Kansas Birding Big Year Contest wrapped up in December, with Mark Pheasant claiming the title of “Kansas’ Top Birder” after identifying 357 unique species of birds in the state last year. Sponsors for the 2021 contest include: Acorn Naturalists, The Coleman Company, The Kansas Ornithological Society, Dr. Robert Penner, and the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks. The top winners in each category are listed below.
Adult, Advanced
1. Kathy Carroll– 348*
2. Debra McKee – 343*
3. Malcolm Gold – 309*
4. Mark Nolan – 308*
5. Jeff Calhoun – 265
Adult, Intermediate
1. Molly Zahn – 294*
2. Corey Entriken– 281
3. Aaron Batterbee– 277
4. Henry Castro-Miller – 266
5. Faith Shapley – 227
Adult, Novice
1. Juan Avena– 252
2. Ann Tanner – 218
3. Timothy Tarkelly – 86
4. Kayleigh Wilson - 57
1. William Kirsch – 243
2. Sam Schermerhorn – 240
3. Michaela Gold – 222
4. Danielle Gold – 210
5. Jonas Staples – 153
1. Mark Pheasant – 357*
2. Henry Armknecht – 308*
3. Dan Larson – 298*
4. Sue Newland – 293*
4. Linda Vidosh Zempel – 293*
An asterisk (*) denotes a Top 10 Overall score.
For more on the Kansas Birding Big Year, visit ksoutdoors.com/services/Wildlife-Diversity/2022-Kansas-Birding-Big-Year.