General Information

Hunter Ed Patch

As amended and effective January 1, 2005 Kansas law provides:

Anyone born on or after July 1, 1957 must be certified by an approved course in hunter education before they can hunt in Kansas, except that anyone 15 years old or younger may hunt without hunter education certification provided they are under the direct supervision of an adult 18 years old or older.

Effective July 1, 2014 individuals 16 or older may purchase a two-time purchase deferral of the Hunter Education requirements by purchasing an Apprentice hunting license. Apprentice hunting license holders must hunt under the supervision of a licensed hunter age 18 or older.

Apprentice hunting licenses may be purchased at any Kansas license vendor, and online at

Hunter Education Certification issued by any state, Canadian Province, or some foreign jurisdictions are deemed to meet the requirements of Kansas Law.

AGE REQUIREMENT TO BE CERTIFIED: No one under the age of 11 will be certified in Hunter Education. Those under the age of 11 may take the course, provided space is available; however, the student will be required to take the course again for certification after turning 11.

Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to some common questions

If I have Hunter Education certification from another state do I have to take the Kansas course?

Answer: No, all state, provincial and some foreign countries’ certifications are acceptable for meeting the requirements of Kansas law.

I was grandfathered in my home state and did not need to take Hunter Education. Do I still need Hunter Education to hunt in Kansas?

Answer: Yes. Anyone born on or after July 1, 1957, except as exempted by law, must have taken an approved Hunter Education course before hunting in Kansas.

Who is exempt?

Answer: Anyone, resident or non-resident, under age 16 may hunt without Hunter Education provided they are under the direct supervision of an adult age 18 or older.

Anyone, resident or non-resident, 16 or older may purchase up to two Apprentice hunting licenses, which exempt the license holder from the Hunter Education requirement for the year the license is valid. The Apprentice hunting license holder must hunt under the supervision of an adult. After the second Apprentice hunting license expires, Hunter Education is required for the purchase of subsequent Kansas hunting licenses.

Is an Apprentice license or other purchased exemption from another state valid in Kansas?

Answer: No.

If I have served or are serving in the armed forces, am I required to have Hunter Education certification?

Answer: Yes.

  1. The law (K. S. A. 32-920) grants only two exceptions: for those under 16 years old hunting under the supervision of an adult; and for those 16 or older under the provisions of the Apprentice hunting license.
  2. Military training and experience are only related to Hunter Education training as they both pertain to safe gun handling. The Hunter Education Course covers much more than just safe gun handling and meets the national standards and objectives necessary for reciprocity with other states.

I took a National Rifle Association hunter safety course prior to 1973. Is that acceptable for meeting the Kansas Hunter Education requirement?

Answer: Yes BUT you must have the original card issued by the NRA. There are no records existing for NRA courses so there is no way to issue a duplicate. If you have an original NRA card we will issue a numbered Kansas duplicate at no charge.

Must I have Hunter Education to bowhunt in Kansas?

Answer: Anyone required to have Hunter Education by law, must have it regardless of the tool of the hunt used.

Is bowhunter education required to bowhunt in Kansas?

Answer: No.

I have a concealed carry permit. Do I still need Hunter Education?

Answer: Yes, if you meet the requirements of law.

I am an experienced hunter with many years of experience. Do I need Hunter Education?

Answer: Yes, if you meet the requirements of law.

There isn't a class in my region, can I take the course in another region?

Answer: Yes, you can take any course that fits your schedule.

Tips and Techniques
Hunter wearing camouflage

Camo Carl

Hunter wearing blaze orange

Blazin' Bob

Responsible hunting provides unique challenges and rewards. However, the future of the sport depends on each hunter's behavior and ethics. Therefore, as a hunter, I pledge to . . .

  • Respect the environment and wildlife.
  • Respect property and landowners.
  • Show consideration for nonhunters.
  • Hunt safely.
  • Know and obey the law.
  • Support wildlife and habitat conservation.
  • Pass on an ethical hunting tradition.
  • Strive to improve my outdoor skills and understanding of wildlife.
  • Hunt only with ethical hunters.

By following these principles of conduct each time I go afield, I will give my best to the sport, the public, the environment and myself. The responsibility to hunt ethically is mine; the future of hunting depends on me.

Respect for the Sport of Hunting . . .
By thorough preparation and by familiarizing yourself with your gun, its characteristics and capabilities and by practicing for proficiency and identification of one's own abilities.

Respect for the Resource . . .

  • By supporting and understanding the work of wildlife biologists and resource managers and by participating in voluntary hunter surveys.
  • By matching your gun and ammunition to the game.
  • By properly identifying all game, and what's behind it.
  • By supporting the use of non-toxic shot.
  • By using a bird dog to assist in the retrieval of downed game.

Respect for the Firearm . . .

  • By ensuring the safe storage of all firearms and ammunition in the home, unloaded, with the gun and shells stored separately, and locked up out of the reach of children and careless adults.
  • By unloading your firearm when not in use, climbing a fence, jumping a ditch, handling or passing to another, and transporting.
  • By controlling the muzzle at all times, never pointing a loaded or unloaded gun at anything you don't want to shoot, never playing with a gun, and always treating it as though it is loaded.

Respect for the Law . . .

  • By abiding by bag and possession limits, hunting laws and regulations.
  • By understanding and supporting the purpose of laws and regulations, protecting and conserving our resources, and promoting safety for yourself and others.

Respect for Game . . .

  • By harvesting only what you can use, immediately field dressing and cooling of game.
  • By defining real success by the pleasure of the experience, watching a dog work, companionship of fellow hunters, watching wildlife, not by the quantity of game bagged.

Respect for the Landowner . . .

  • By acting as a guest, leaving the area as you found it, open gates open and closed gates closed and picking up all litter including spent shells.
  • Every square inch of non-public land belongs to someone, and you must have permission to hunt it. Obtain permission in advance of your trip. Hunt only those areas where you have permission to hunt. Offer your time and labor in return for access.

Respect for Yourself . . .

  • By conducting oneself in a manner to ensure the future of the sport, using good manners in the out-of-doors and setting a good example for others.
  • By knowing where your hunting partners are at all times.
  • By using ear and eye protection.
  • By avoiding alcohol and mind-altering drugs (including many cold medications) when handling firearms.
  • By never shooting at a flat, hard surface or water.

Respect for the Future of Hunting . . .

  • By acknowledging that hunting is a privilege, not a right.
  • By understanding that the non-hunting publics attitude toward hunting is influenced by how they view your personal conduct. Never transport game on top of a vehicle or hang it in public view.

By obeying the Ten Commandments of Firearm Safety

  1. Treat every gun as if it is loaded.
  2. Control the gun muzzle at all times.
  3. Guns not in use are to be unloaded and stored with actions open.
  4. Be sure the barrel and action are clear of obstructions and that only the proper ammunition is carried with every gun in use.
  5. Be sure of your target identification before you pull the trigger, and always know what lies beyond the target.
  6. Never point a gun at anything you don't want to shoot.
  7. Never climb a fence or tree or cross a ditch or other obstacle with a loaded gun; and never pull a gun toward you by the muzzle.
  8. Never shoot at water or a flat, hard surface; and always be sure your backstop is adequate.
  9. Store guns and ammunition separately, out of reach of people who are unfamiliar with safe gun handling.
  10. Never handle a firearm or operate a vehicle while you are affected by alcohol or drugs.
For More Information

For a Freedom of Information Act or Kansas Open Records Act request, please go to the open records request information.

Stacy Hageman, Sr. Admin. Specialist
Hunter Education
Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism
512 SE 25th Ave.
Pratt KS 67124
(620) 672-0773 

Or use this form to e-mail KDWPT. Please include your full name.