Hunter Education In Our Schools
The Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks offers a unique program to any school in Kansas - The Hunter Education In Our Schools Program.
Available at no cost to schools, the optional course offers participating students the opportunity to obtain hunter education certification required of anyone born on or after July 1, 1957, before hunting in Kansas.
The Kansas Hunter Education in Our Schools Program provides students with basic outdoor skills that can be applied throughout their lives.
Student learning objectives
Following the completion of the Kansas Hunter Education Course, the student will be able to:
- Define the hunter's "Right to Hunt" and understand that their "right" can still be revoked.
- Understand their responsibilities as sportsmen and women
- Demonstrate how to present a positive public image
- Describe the difference between state regulated hunting laws and a hunter's ethics
- Demonstrate safe firearms handling
- Understand and identify the many types of firearms and actions, types of ammunition and the correct usage
- Know how to practice safe firearms cleaning and storage in the home
- Describe the basic principles of wildlife management
- define habitat, carrying capacity, predator and prey
- Identify the differences between conservation and preservation
- Understand how hunters are the best conservation tool in wildlife management
Identify common upland game birds, migratory birds, small game and big game
State the Ten Commandments of Firearms Safety
Demonstrate safe zone of fire and appropriate carrying methods
The Kansas Hunter Education in Our Schools Program fits several school curriculum standards
- Science in Personal and Environmental Perspective
- Civics-Government
- Kansas, United States and World History
- Physical Education
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Contact: Stacy Hageman;; 620-672-5911