Access Donation Program
Access Donation Program
This is an opportunity for hunters and anglers to assist with leasing more land for public access by making a voluntary donation to the WIHA and F.I.S.H. Programs. Currently, demand by landowners or tenants to enroll their property in the WIHA program exceeds the amount of funds available to accept the property. Surveys indicate that hunters and anglers would pay a fee to be able to hunt or fish on these properties, however, KDWP's goal is to keep the programs at no addtional charge to the sportsmen. Additionaly, some users of these access programs have expressed the desire to be able to contribute voluntary donations. Now anyone can make a contribution that will go into leasing more private land for hunting and fishing. Contributions in any amount can be made at any time. For a contributions of $25 or more, you can receive a limited edition hat recognizing your support to the programs or a one-year subscription to Kansas Wildlife & Parks magazine.
Send check or money order payable to:
KDWP Access Wildtrust Account, Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, 512 SE 25th Ave., Pratt, KS 67124. Include your name, address and for contributions of $25 or more indicate whether you would like a hat or magazine subscription.