Benefits of the Walk-in Hunting Program


There are several reasons to participate in addition to the lease payment. Many landowners own land far from their home or don't have time to worry about who's hunting on their land. Therefore, it may be more convenient for them to enroll in the WIHA program. The department publishes a detailed county map outlining each tract of land enrolled in the program, and hunters are asked not to contact landowners.

Conservation officers will periodically patrol WIHA areas much like other public hunting areas. Violators will be ticketed or arrested for offenses such as vandalism, littering, or failing to comply with wildlife regulations.

WIHA provides hunters with a place to hunt while leaving the land in private ownership. In recent times, hunters have lost contact with landowners. Many have quit hunting because it is difficult to find a place to hunt, the tradition of hunting can be preserved, and rural-urban ties can be strengthened.

Landowners have the option to withdraw from the program at any time. They will be paid a pro-rated portion of the arranged payment and provided with signs denoting that the land has been removed from the program.

Another primary reason landowners enroll their property in WIHA is release of liability concerns.   State law provides immunity from damages or injuries resulting from ordinary negligence when private land is leased to the state for recreational purposes.