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Open Records Request (Folder) 34%
Policy and Procedures for Requesting KDWP Public Records Pursuant to the Kansas Open Records Act (KORA) – K.S.A. 45-215 ET SEQ. .... Continue to Open Records Request >>
Black Bass Weigh-in Requirements (Folder) 28%
Persuant to K.A.R. 115-7-9, all vessels used by participants in a weigh-in bass tournament must have a working livewell that contains an electrolyte solution, and the following procedures must .... Continue to Black Bass Weigh-... >>
Deer Trophy Photos(Outdoor Today) 27%
-line Policies and Procedures course. Attend a New Instructor Orientation Course. Assist in teaching a Hunter Education Course. Be evaluated by and receive a recommendation from an Area Coordinator .... Continue to Monday November 2... >>
MacArthur Elementary School (Article) 24%
. Unique Features: Curriculum manual Initial funding 05/20/99 2nd Funding: 04/28/03 .... Continue to MacArthur Element... >>
Season were DUE at the Perry State Park Office on January 25, 2021, by 4:00 pm. For questions regarding the seasonal camping program, please call the park office for more information. Procedures .... Continue to PERRY SEASONAL LO... >>
Perry Seasonal Camping Site Applications DUE (Event) 23%
in the Office Parking lot at Perry State Park. Procedures will be done in accordance with the State of Kansas Covid 19 Guidelines. For questions regarding the summer seasonal camping program, please call .... Continue to Perry Seasonal Ca... >>
Navigation Lights (Article) 22%
navigation lights shown in figures 4, 5, or 6. Sailboats under power must conform to motorboat navigation light requirements. Manually propelled boats shall carry, ready at hand, a flashlight or lantern .... Continue to Navigation Lights >>
On Monday January 4, 2015 starting at 8 AM we will start making the in-person reservations for seasonal sites. The procedure will be the same as in previous years; first come .... Continue to SEASONAL SITE SIG... >>
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