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Perry Seasonal Camping Site Applications DUE (Event) 22%
DRAWING will be done in the Office Parking lot at Perry State Park. Procedures will be done in accordance with the State of Kansas Covid 19 Guidelines. Wear a mask, be aware of touched surfaces .... Continue to Perry Seasonal Ca... >>
information. NOTICE THE LOTTERY DRAWING will be done in the Office Parking lot at Perry State Park. Procedures will be done in accordance with the State of Kansas Covid 19 Guidelines. Wear a mask .... Continue to PERRY SEASAONAL L... >>
. (Postmarked, hand delivered, or emailed no later than 4:00 p.m. on January 25, 2022). The drawing will be held Monday Jan 31, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. The drawing is open to public. Procedures .... Continue to Perry Seasonal Ca... >>
Personal Watercraft (Folder) 21%
Personal Watercraft (PWC) PWCs are Class A boats and must comply with all boating laws, registration procedures, operation and equipment requirements in addition to the regulations specific to PWCs .... Continue to Personal Watercraft >>
32-958 (Article) 19%
;conservation" mean the use of all methods and procedures for the purposes of increasing the number of individuals within species and populations of wildlife up to the optimum carrying capacity of their habitat .... Continue to 32-958 >>
Furharvester (Folder) 18%
: traditional instructor-led or online. The instructor led course offers students a comprehensive manual, regulations, and advanced furharvesting publications. Note: A limited number of instructor led courses .... Continue to Furharvester >>
Certification Options (Folder) 18%
No Fee No Yes Study material provided in online course manual. Certificate comes in a printable PDF format. 6 Months May purchase a hard card for $15 1-800-245-2628 ext .... Continue to Certification Opt... >>
Establish a School Wildlife Resource Center (Article) 18%
A Wildlife Resource Center (WRC) should be established within the school. This should house curricular materials, field manuals, maintenance equipment, lab equipment, texts, references, etc .... Continue to Establish a Schoo... >>
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