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Toronto (Locations) 31%
Manager: John Jameson Phone: (620) 583-6783 ... The Wildlife Area includes riparian timbered areas, grasslands, cropland, and wetland communities. Management includes native plant restoration, prescribed burning, timber management and farming ... . Fishing in the river and on the reservoir can be excellent. Both are noted for excellent white crappie, white bass, channel catfish, and flat-head catfish angling. Black bass, bluegill, and sunfish round ... and wildlife management of 4700 acres of land and water in the upper reaches of the project. .... Continue to Toronto >>
Regulating Fish Harvest (Article) 31%
and larger can be maintained per acre of water. Since the bluegill population in a pond managed in this fashion will comprise high numbers of small individuals, such a pond might serve to satisfy adult .... Continue to Regulating Fish H... >>
Western Hognose Snake (Species information) 31%
is quite variable, depending on available habitat and food. This animal is not territorial. Population density may be as much as one to three snakes per acre. Although they usually mate during May after .... Continue to Western Hognose S... >>
Historic Lake Scott (Locations) 31%
Scott Wildlife Area Park Office: (620) 872-2061 Manager: Brent Clark (620)276-8886 Scott Wildlife Area will be CLOSED April 3rd - April 7th, 2023, for a wildfire mitigation project. KDWP has .... Continue to Historic Lake Scott >>
Logan (Locations) 31%
Manager: Kent Hensley Location: 1.5 mile north and 3 mile west of Russell Springs, KS. Logan Google Earth (kmz file) ... Trees such as cottonwood, elm, and willow can be found along the lake shoreline and the associated drainage into the lake. The majority of the area is rangeland with a mixture of short grass and mid ... . Channel Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass 5 5 15 0 0 0 1 Logan Wildlife Area Manager: Kent Hensley Location : 1.5 mile north and 3 mile west of Russell Springs, KS. Logan Google Earth (kmz file .... Continue to Logan >>
Kingman State Fishing Lake (Fishing Location) 31%
Kingman State Fishing Lake Manager: Troy Smith, Phone: (620) 532-3242 N37 39.00 W98 15.17 8685 W. Hwy 54 Cunningham (620) 532-3242 Kingman 1 1 fishing The 144 acre Kingman State Fishing Lake .... Continue to Kingman State Fis... >>
Lovewell (Locations) 30%
and New Year's Holidays. You can also utilize the new CampItKS app, reserveamerica.com and campitks.com for online park purchases; and license.gooutdoorskansas.com for license purchases. Self Pay ... (785) 753-4971 Thane Loring, Park Manager 4 miles East, 9 miles North, 4 miles East of Mankato, KS ... west of the marina, The Southwinds swimming beach offers both sun and shade. Picnic facilities are available throughout the day-use areas, as well as two large group shelters that can be reserved ... wildlife management and some special restrictions will be used to provide quality hunting and fishing areas. Hunters can Check-in / Check-out here, https://ksoutdoors.com/checkin using your licensing login .... Continue to Lovewell >>
Alligator Snapping Turtle (Species information) 30%
of 65 degrees F or above. Little is known of the daily habits of this large creature. They forage for food at night. The female lays a single clutch per season ranging in size from 15-50 round .... Continue to Alligator Snappin... >>
Sherman State Fishing Lake (Fishing Location) 30%
has water in the fall it can produce excellent waterfowl hunting. Habitat management focuses on food plots, controlled burns, and periodic short term intense grazing to encourage wildlife use .... Continue to Sherman State Fis... >>
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