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Pottawatomie Lake No. 1 (Locations) 39%
Manager: Nathan Henry Phone: (785) 539-9999 ... for the lake. The maximum depth of the lake is 17 feet, with an average depth of 6 to 8 feet. Fish species which can be found include Channel Catfish, Black Bass, Crappie and Bluegill. The area also includes 166 ... Brochure 24 acres 17 feet Bluegill Channel Catfish Crappie Flathead Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass 5 50 5 5 15 15 0 0 0 1 Pottawatomie Lake No. 1 State Fishing Lake Manager: Nathan Henry ... Limit of 5; length greater than 15". Open to Trapping. Special Features A hiking trail through the rolling hills of this area can challenge your physical ability. Wintering Bald .... Continue to Pottawatomie Lake... >>
Hunter Education In Our Schools (Folder) 39%
The Kansas Hunter Education in Our Schools Program provides students with basic outdoor skills that can be applied throughout their lives. Hunter Education in Our Schools ... The Kansas Hunter Education in Our Schools Program provides students with basic outdoor skills that can be applied throughout their lives. Student learning objectives Following .... Continue to Hunter Education... >>
Perry Reservoir (Fishing Location) 39%
Registrations after 3:30 pm) All Boats New Registrations, Renewals and Transfers can be done from our parking lot over the phone. Call when you get to the parking lot ---- YOU must have all paperwork done ahead .... Continue to Perry Reservoir >>
Kansas River (Locations) 38%
Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism Public Lands Manager- Justin Hamilton Phone- (785) 887 - 6882 Ogden/K-18 Wildlife Area Public Lands Manager- Bryon Brown Phone (785)-539-9999 ... The Mac Vicar Road Area is located within the City limits of Topeka and is only open to archery hunting through the Department’s special hunts program. You can check online at ksoutdoors.com to view ... A safety zone has been established on this tract that prohibits the discharge of any firearm. This will be strictly enforced and all violations will be cited. You can view the safety zone map HERE. .... Continue to Kansas River >>
Atchison (Locations) 38%
will remove preexisting sediment near the boat ramp. Silt remove will be the main emphases, but the work will be done in a manor so that future silt can be removed more efficiently, if needed. Protecting ... Manage: Kirk Thompson, Phone: (913) 367-7811 .... Continue to Atchison >>
Griswold (Locations) 38%
Area Manager: Rob Unruh Assistant Manager: Matt Farmer Pheasants Forever Habitat Specialist: Joe Daniels Office Location: Lovewell Area Office, 2446 250 Rd. Webber, KS 66970 Area ... The Griswold Wildlife Area is managed for upland wildlife species. Hunting is allowed for all legal species during the season. Both tracts have old cropland fields, native rangeland and wooded ... Two, small REFUGE AREAS ARE CLOSED TO ALL ACTIVITIES, one on each tract. They are ONLY ENTERED BY THE MANAGER TO MONITOR HABITAT OR ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES. No access will be allowed in these areas .... Continue to Griswold >>
Berentz-Dick (Buffalo Ranch) (Locations) 38%
Manager: Ryan Lies Phone: 620-331-6820 ... . The area is open to hunting on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only. Hunters can check in /check out here, https://ksoutdoors.com/checkin using their licensing login credentials. Hunting .... Continue to Berentz-Dick (Buf... >>
Conservation Education Core Concepts (Folder) 38%
These concepts provide a framework for understanding fish, wildlife and habitat ecology and management from the perspective of fish and wildlife agencies. Conservation Education Core Concepts ... Conservation Education Core Concepts These concepts provide a foundational framework for understanding fish, wildlife and habitat ecology and management from the perspective of fish and wildlife .... Continue to Conservation Educ... >>
Chase State Lake (Fishing Location) 37%
Cottonwood Falls, KS 3 miles W of Cottonwood Falls Regional Office: 316-683-8069 Public Land Manager: Brent Konen - 620-767-5900 ... Chase State Fishing Lake Manager: Brent Konen Phone: (620) 767-5900 Chase State Fishing Lake and Wildlife Area is located in central Chase County, 1.5 miles west of Cottonwood Falls in the center .... Continue to Chase State Lake >>
ADA Fishing Platforms(Outdoor Today) 37%
-Info/Legislative-Update-Report Fishing Forecast /Fishing/Fishing-Forecast Cheyenne Bottoms Management Plan /Other-Services/Publications/Fish-and-Wildlife-Management ... species. The refuge is located 6 miles north of Canton in McPherson County. Visitors to the refuge can view elk and bison in their native habitat. For more information, refer to the Maxwell Wildlife Area .... Continue to Friday February 2... >>
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