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Washington (Locations) 11%
as a stopover area for migrating waterfowl in the fall and spring. Several food plots are maintained each year to provide winter food for birds and other wildlife. The lake has been stocked with several species ... The lake was initially constructed and stocked in 1958. The lake was rehabilitated and restocked in 1975. A silt catching and settling basin was created in 1977 by constructing a dike across .... Continue to Washington >>
Fishing Reports (Folder) 11%
Want to know where the best place for fishing is today? Here are some helpful links that will help you make your fishing destination decision! Fishing Reports Fishing Forecast Fish Stocking .... Continue to Fishing Reports >>
Tuttle Creek (Locations) 11%
be taken off the face of the dam as well as in the river below. During the Spring there is ample opportunity to catch master angler white bass and crappie. Trout are stocked in Willow Lake during the Fall ... . Trout are stocked in Willow Lake during the Fall and Winter. The 12,000-acre wildlife area adjacent to the park offers excellent hunting and wildlife watching opportunities. <iframe width="325" height .... Continue to Tuttle Creek >>
Pratt Centennial Pond (Fishing Location) 11%
Fishing Population Creel Limit Min Length Limit Trout 2 (Nov.through April 15) Largemouth Bass Wiper ... Special Fishing Regulations: This is a catch and release only lake with the exception of Trout. Fishing hours are 6 a.m. to 10 p.m Additional License Required: A trout permit .... Continue to Pratt Centennial... >>
Lebo Kids Pond (Fishing Location) 11%
Fishing Population Creel Limit Min Length Limit Channel Catfish 2 Largemouth Bass 2 18 Bluegill 10 8 Trout 2 ... Permits needed, open to everyone during trout season, 16 years and younger the rest of the year. .... Continue to Lebo Kids Pond >>
New Strawn City Lake (Fishing Location) 11%
Fishing Population Creel Limit Min Length Limit Bluegill 5 8 Channel Catfish 2 15 Crappie 10 Largemouth Bass 2 21 Smallmouth Bass 2 18 Walleye 2 18 Wiper 2 18 Trout 2 ... This lake declined participation in the CFAP lease program and requires a local permit to fish. City does have a special trout season .... Continue to New Strawn City Lake >>
Special Fishing Programs for You (Landing Page KDWPT) 11%
KDWP offers different programs that are designed to improve your fishing experience. Aquatic Education Pond Management Program CFAP Urban Program Trout Program Master Angler Award WIFA .... Continue to Special Fishing P... >>
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