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Mined Land (Locations) 8%
on the method of how they were mined, strip pits vary in depth from shallow to deep with steep sided banks. The "Trout Pit" on Unit #30 was one of the first strip pits that was mined by Big Brutus. This pit has .... Continue to Mined Land >>
Holton - Elkhorn Lake (Fishing Location) 8%
Fishing Population Creel Limit Min Length Limit Bluegill Channel Catfish 5 15 Crappie 10 Largemouth Bass 5 13-18 Trout 5 .... Continue to Holton - Elkhorn... >>
Johnson Co. Shawnee Mission Park Lake (Fishing Location) 8%
Fishing Population Creel Limit Min Length Limit Bluegill Channel Catfish 2 15 Crappie 50 Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass 2 18 Trout Wiper 2 .... Continue to Johnson Co. Shawn... >>
Johnson County - Heritage Park Lake (Fishing Location) 8%
Fishing Population Creel Limit Min Length Limit Bluegill Black Bullhead Channel Catfish 10 Crappie 50 Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass 5 15 Wiper 2 15 Trout 4 .... Continue to Johnson County -... >>
Meade State Lake (Fishing Location) 8%
Fishing Population Creel Limit Min Length Limit Channel Catfish 5 Crappie 50 Flathead Catfish 5 Largemouth Bass 5 13-18 Trout 5 .... Continue to Meade State Lake >>
Hutchinson - Dillon Nature Center (Fishing Location) 8%
Fishing Population Creel Limit Min Length Limit Bluegill Channel Catfish 5 Crappie 50 Flathead Catfish 5 Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass 5 15 Trout 5 .... Continue to Hutchinson - Dill... >>
Cherryvale City Lake (Tanko) (Fishing Location) 8%
Fishing Population Creel Limit Min Length Limit Bluegill Channel Catfish 5 15 Crappie 50 Largemouth Bass 5 18 Redear Sunfish Trout 5 .... Continue to Cherryvale City L... >>
Coffeyville LeClere Lake (Fishing Location) 8%
Fishing Population Creel Limit Min Length Limit Bluegill Channel Catfish 5 15 Crappie 50 Largemouth Bass 2 18 Green Sunfish Trout 5 .... Continue to Coffeyville LeCle... >>
Colby - Villa High Lake (Fishing Location) 8%
Fishing Population Creel Limit Min Length Limit Channel Catfish 5 Smallmouth Bass 0 Catch and Release Only Trout 5 Bluegill 0 Catch and Release Only .... Continue to Colby - Villa Hig... >>
Sherman County Smoky Gardens (Fishing Location) 8%
Fishing Population Creel Limit Min Length Limit Bluegill 0 Catch and Release Only Channel Catfish 5 15" Largemouth Bass 0 Catch and Release Only Trout 5 .... Continue to Sherman County Sm... >>
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