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Pat Silovsky Award (Outdoor Today) 20%
-Info/News/Newsletter-Request-Forms Trout Stocking Schedule /Fishing/Special-Fishing-Programs-for-You/Trout-Fishing-Program Magazine Archives /Other-Services/Publications/Magazine/Magazine-Archive .... Continue to Monday January 10... >>
Eagle Days 2011(Outdoor Today) 20%
-Info/News/Newsletter-Request-Forms Trout Stocking Schedule /Fishing/Special-Fishing-Programs-for-You/Trout-Fishing-Program Magazine Archives /Other-Services/Publications/Magazine/Magazine-Archive .... Continue to Thursday January... >>
Urban Stocking Schedule: March - June (Article) 20%
Stocking Date 1-Apr 15-April 1-May 15-May 1-June 15- June Andover - Lake George 125 125 150   ... Stocking information is in POUNDS not fish numbers. Fish will be stocked within 5 days of the noted scheduled date. The fish that are stocked are an average of 3/4 pounds ... Urban Stocking Schedule: March - June ... Urban Stocking Schedule: March - June .... Continue to Urban Stocking Sc... >>
Urban Stocking Schedule: August - October (Article) 20%
Stocking Date 15-Aug 1-Sep 15-Sep 1-Oct Andover - Lake George 125 125 Benton - Poling Park Lake 110   ... Stocking information is in POUNDS not fish numbers. Fish will be stocked within 5 days of the noted scheduled date. The fish that are stocked are an average of 3/4 pounds with no fish shorter than ... Urban Stocking Schedule: August - October ... Urban Stocking Schedule: August - October .... Continue to Urban Stocking Sc... >>
Blue Heron Ice Fishing Buddy (Outdoor Today) 19%
-Fishing-Program Schedule for stocking trout statewide Magazine Archives /Other-Services/Publications/Magazine/Magazine-Archive PDF files of past Kansas Wildlife Pass It On BLOG http://ks-pio.blogspot.com/ BLOG about .... Continue to Monday January 24... >>
Marion Youth Upland Hunt (Outdoor Today) 19%
-Fishing-Program Schedule for stocking trout statewide Magazine Archives /Other-Services/Publications/Magazine/Magazine-Archive PDF files of past Kansas Wildlife and Parks issues Pass It On BLOG http .... Continue to Thursday January... >>
Kansas Internet Fisheries(Outdoor Today) 19%
-Fishing-Program Schedule for stocking trout statewide Magazine Archives /Other-Services/Publications/Magazine/Magazine-Archive PDF files of past Kansas Wildlife and Parks issues Pass It On BLOG http .... Continue to Monday January 31... >>
Sterling City Lake (Fishing Location) 19%
The lake experienced a large scale fish die-off in 2014 but catchable-sized catfish were stocked in September. Look for largemouth bass and sunfish to be stocked in the future. ... Trout, Rice, Cheney Fishing District, Region 4, CFAP .... Continue to Sterling City Lake >>
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