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What is the Trout Program? (Article) 16%
a trout permit online. Additional information and stocking locations are available by clicking here. Oct 15- April 15 Stocking. The Kansas trout season runs Oct. 15 - April 15.  ... KDWP stocks rainbow trout seasonally in select waters throughout the state. ... What is the Trout Program? .... Continue to What is the Trout... >>
Atchison City Lakes 1-4, 6-9, 24 (Fishing Location) 15%
Sunfish Trout 5 Wiper 2 18 ... Trout are stocked in Atchison City Lake #1. Must have a trout permit to fish for and keep trout. .... Continue to Atchison City Lak... >>
Lake Henry (Campgrounds/Areas) 15%
4 acre stocked lake with native game fish and lake trout during season (Oct. 15th - April 15th) Lake Henry is stocked with trout every other week during season from October until the water freezes .... Continue to Lake Henry >>
Salina - Lakewood Lake (Fishing Location) 15%
Fishing Population Creel Limit Min Length Limit Bluegill Channel Catfish 2 Largemouth Bass 5 18 Trout 2 ... . Pending water quality testing, we will also welcome our fall stocking of rainbow trout, with the season starting on schedule on November 1st. Non-Motorized Boats Only - Trolling Motors Allowed Great .... Continue to Salina - Lakewood... >>
Willow Lake in River Pond stocked with Trout (Image) 14%
Willow Lake in River Pond stocked with Trout .... Continue to Willow Lake in Ri... >>
Sedgwick County Park (Fishing Location) 13%
Fishing Population Creel Limit Min Length Limit Bluegill Channel Catfish 5 Crappie 50 Largemouth Bass 2 18 Trout 5 Wiper 2 21 ... A trout permit is required to fish for and possess trout during trout season, November 1 through April 15. Rainbow Trout have been stocked at Vic's Lake and Slough Creek (upper pool only). .... Continue to Sedgwick County Park >>
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