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Milford (Locations) 13%
Manager: Keaton McGuire Assistant Manager: Vacant Phone: (785) 461-5402 ... an additional 1100 acres. Both the public hunting area and the refuge are managed to maximize the production of various wildlife species. There are currently 8 newly formed wetlands, the first of which ... Crappie Flathead Catfish Green Sunfish Largemouth Bass Smallmouth Bass Spotted Bass Walleye White Bass Wiper 5 10 50 5 5 5 5 2 5 25"-40" protected slot, 1 over 40" 15 15 15 21 0 0 0 1 Milford .... Continue to Milford >>
Ferris Demonstration (Locations) 13%
Manager: Jason K. Black Phone: (620) 241-7669; jason.black@ksoutdoors.com ... , derived a plan to demonstrate several conservation programs. These programs include field borders, wind breaks, proper terracing, and waterways, round field edges, grass strips to replace terraces, crop ... practicable land management and improvements geared toward wildlife and agriculture. In December of 1994, KDWP was given the deed to this property ... as an educational demonstration area for management geared toward wildlife and agriculture. This provides the public a place to observe different management techniques that may be applied to their own land .... Continue to Ferris Demonstration >>
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