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Cheyenne Bottoms Managment Plan 2010-2014 (File) 21%
Cheyenne Bottoms Managment Plan 2010-2014 .... Continue to Cheyenne Bottoms... >>
2002 - KDWP: KS BTPD conservation and management plan (File) 21%
2002 - KDWP: KS BTPD conservation and management plan .... Continue to 2002 - KDWP: KS B... >>
Kansas Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan (File) 21%
Kansas Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan .... Continue to Kansas Aquatic In... >>
Is "catch and release" always the best tool for fisheries population management, or will it harm the fish? (Article) 19%
.org Most sportfish populations in Kansas can withstand some harvest, and in fact, most fisheries management plans in Kansas are designed for that. If there is evidence that the harvest ... Is "catch and release" always the best tool for fisheries population management, or will it harm the fish? .... Continue to Is "catch and rel... >>
Black Bass Monitoring (Folder) 19%
demands and fisheries needs so that an adequate fisheries is sustained. 3. Maintain a statewide database, which will provide needed information for statewide management and comprehensive planning. .... Continue to Black Bass Monito... >>
The Kansas Black-Tailed Prairie Dog Conservation and Management Plan (File) 18%
Overview of the Conservation and Management Plan The Kansas Black-Tailed Prairie Dog Conservation and Management Plan is designed to minimize and potentially eliminate the current threat ... The Kansas Black-Tailed Prairie Dog Conservation and Management Plan .... Continue to The Kansas Black-... >>
Hillsdale (Locations) 17%
Manager: Stephen Anderson Phone: (913) 594-3600 ... , sumac, and cedar. More than 1,000 acres of mature oak, hickory, and walnut forest provides hard mast for forest wildlife. Six moist soil wetlands are managed for ephemeral and emergent vegetation ... .campitks.com/camping/hillsdale-state-park/r/campgroundDetails.page?parkID=519139&media=3 Hillsdale Wildlife Area Manager: Stephen Anderson Phone: (913) 594-3600 REQUIRED Hunters and trappers must check ... Hillsdale is one of the newest reservoirs in Kansas. Completed in 1982, the reservoir is part of a comprehensive flood control plan for the Osage and Missouri River basins. In 1989 the Corps .... Continue to Hillsdale >>
Fancy Creek Shooting Range(Outdoor Today) 17%
First, click here or get a copy of the 2010 Kansas Hunting & Furharvesting Regulations where you'll find maps of the duck zones. Then you can locate waterfowl management areas and other public .... Continue to Monday October 04... >>
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