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Project Learning Tree (Article) 12%
in the city and the country, whether there is a forest or a single tree. It helps prepare students to make wise decisions about conservation practices and resource use. For More Information:   .... Continue to Project Learning... >>
WIFA Benefits Landowners and Anglers (Article) 12%
be strengthened. And, of course, there is a financial incentive. Many landowners own waters far from home or don’t have time to worry about who’s fishing on their property, It may be more convenient for them .... Continue to WIFA Benefits Lan... >>
Benefits (Article) 12%
There are several reasons to participate in addition to the lease payment. Many landowners own land far from their home or don't have time to worry about who's hunting on their land. Therefore .... Continue to Benefits >>
Kansas Winter Bird Feeder Survey (Article) 12%
researchers at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and other bird conservation organizations learn more about how birds are doing and how to protect them and their habitats that we share. The 18th annual GBBC .... Continue to Kansas Winter Bir... >>
Kansas Shorebird Survey (Article) 12%
to the International Shorebird Survey which has been coordinating shorebird surveys in the Western Hemisphere for about 30 years. Reports for the 2002, 2003, and 2004 survey years are available in PDF format. Some .... Continue to Kansas Shorebird... >>
Flathead Catfish Tagging Rewards (Article) 12%
Each angler returning a tag will be placed in a drawing to win a digital camera ($300 value) or a catfish fishing pole ($150 value). If you have any further questions about the project, please feel .... Continue to Flathead Catfish... >>
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