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To purchase your HIP Stamp online, CLICK HERE.
Migratory Game Bird Hunters – Why is it important to be “HIP”?
If you hunt doves, ducks, geese, sandhill cranes, coots, snipe, rail, or woodcock, you are required to participate in Harvest Information Program (HIP).
What is HIP?
Harvest Information Program (HIP) is a method by which state wildlife agencies and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) use to provide reliable estimates of the number of migratory game bird hunters, hunter activity and migratory game bird harvest. These estimates provide information needed to make sound decisions concerning hunting seasons, bag limits, and population management. HIP has been a federal requirement of those hunting migratory game birds since 1998.
Who needs to be HIP?
HIP, incorrectly, has become associated more closely with waterfowl hunters. HIP applies to all those who hunt any species of migratory game birds. This would include not only ducks and geese but also doves, woodcock, rails, snipe, sandhill cranes, moorhens, band-tailed pigeons, swans, brant, coots and gallinules, for which there is a set hunting season. If you are required to buy a Kansas hunting license and plan to hunt any migratory game birds in Kansas, you are required to acquire a Kansas Harvest Information Program (HIP) permit. Even if you hold a lifetime license, you still are required to acquire a HIP permit. Exemptions from HIP include those not required to have a Kansas hunting license such as people hunting their own land and residents 15 and younger and 75 and older. It is the hunter responsibility to fulfill their HIP requirement. Proof of HIP must be carried with the hunter in the field, and, like a hunting or fishing license, must be presented to a wildlife officer upon their request. Hunting migratory birds without HIP certification is like hunting without a license—you could be ticketed or fined. You must be HIP certified for each state for which you hunt migratory game birds. The HIP certification process varies from state to state. Please confer with your local wildlife agency regarding HIP in their state.
How does HIP work?
When you purchase your Kansas HIP permit, you first are identifying yourself as migratory game bird hunter. Secondly, the licensing vendor will ask you a series of short questions relating to your hunting experience during last year's season. These questions place you in a sampling stratum from which the USFWS selects small sample to complete a more detailed survey about this year’s upcoming hunting season. These short questions that you are asked about last year’s hunting experience when you become HIP-certified are not part of the survey, and are not used to compile harvest estimates, but are simply used to identify what types of birds you usually hunt. This allows the USFWS to target its surveys to the appropriate hunters. For example, most surveys about dove harvest are sent to hunters who usually hunt doves, while most waterfowl harvest surveys are sent to hunters who usually hunt ducks and/or geese. If you only hunt ducks and geese – no snipe or rails, no moorhens or gallinules – why is it that I have to answer questions about those species? The USFWS needs to be able to contact people who hunt various birds. This narrows the field and allows the USFWS to ask more detailed questions about what was harvested.
If your name is one of the few selected for the national harvest survey, you will receive a personal letter and a hunting record form and will be asked to voluntarily keep a record of the number of migratory birds you harvest during the season. You will be given an addressed, postage-paid envelope to return your hunting form at the end of the season. This survey provides the information used to develop nationwide harvest estimates for all migratory birds. A few select participants are asked to send in wings of migratory game birds they harvest to help determine species, age, sex, and other important harvest data. All HIP responses are kept strictly confidential and are not used for any other purpose. As soon as the survey is completed, the USFWS destroys all hunter names and address records.
As HIP information is gathered at the time a hunting license is purchased whether at a store or online. At the license counter, the license agent should ask the HIP questions as part of the licensing process; if they do not inquire, you should remind them of HIP’s requirement. Kansas charges a small fee to cover administrative costs. KDWP or USFWS receives no income from this program. HIP is strictly to gather information and is not a means of raising money for conservation programs.
What do hunters gain from HIP?
An understandable question is ‘What does HIP mean to me, as an individual asked to participate in this annual series of inquiries?’ The vast majority of hunters who participate are doing so because they know it’s important and understand why it’s important as hunters. Hunters are not just people answering a survey but are partners in data collection that directly affects hunting opportunities. As the threats and concerns for migratory bird populations continue to mount, it is essential to gather the best information possible about the factors affecting these populations. It is in the hunter's best interest to have wildlife management decisions based on scientific evidence, not on opinions, philosophies, or politics. It only takes a few moments to give wildlife managers the information they need to ensure that our migratory bird resources--and hunting tradition--will be around for future generations to enjoy.
To Purchase Your Kansas HIP Permit Online: https://license.gooutdoorskansas.com
For More Information
USFWS HIP: https://www.fws.gov/birds/surveys-and-data/harvest-surveys/harvest-information-program.php
USFWS Harvest and Hunter Survey Annual Reports: https://www.fws.gov/birds/surveys-and-data/reports-and-publications/hunting-activity-and-harvest.php
Explore Harvest Data visualization for your region: https://fws.gov/harvestsurvey/harvest-vis
Central Flyway Council: https://centralflyway.org/management/harvest-surveys/
Use the map below to pick a region you would like to look at Waterfowl Reports.
**Endangered whooping cranes have been observed in Northcentral and Northwest Kansas. Be cognizant of potential closures and restrictions, and as always, know your target before taking a shot. Shooting a whooping crane can carry fines up to $100,000 and/or up to one year in prison.**
**There have been outbreaks of disease among waterfowl in Northwest Kansas. While there appears to be low risk for human infection, domestic poultry and fowl are susceptible and extreme caution should be taken to reduce the risk of spreading disease. **
CEDAR BLUFF WILDLIFE AREA - Last Updated: 2/27/2025 Print
Reservoir is 20% ice covered as of 2/27/25. Snow goose numbers are highly variable day to day, however, there have been low numbers of light geese around this week. No Hunting Allowed from the Dam *****REVIEW Kansas Boating Regulations if you are using a boat to hunt. ***** Refuge Boundaries are also displayed on OnX. NO ACCESS IN THE CLOSED PORTION OF THE LAND REFUGE SEPT. 1 - JAN. 31 NO ACCESS IN THE CLOSED PORTION OF THE WATER REFUGE NOV. 1 - JAN. 31 | |
Water level | Reservoir Elevation - 2122.7 - 21.3 ft. low |
Hunting conditions | Shorelines are bare and open, very little flooded vegetation |
Expected hunting success | Poor-low Lake levels will make concealment difficult and expect fall fishermen to be present. |
Comments | Cedar Bluff Wildlife Mgmt. Area and Reservoir are in the Low Plains Late Duck Zone Contact Cedar Bluff Area Office 785-726-3212 for more information. Water Refuge is in effect November 1- January 31 Land Refuge is in effect September 1 - January 31 No Hunting Allowed from the Dam North Shore State Park is Closed to Hunting. Youth / Mentor hunting is also available. Zebra Mussels, Eurasian Milfoil, and Phragmites are present in Cedar Bluff Reservoir. Please clean and dry all equipment, decoys and boats before hunting other bodies of water. |
GLEN ELDER - Last Updated: 3/5/2025 Print
Waterfowl numbers | ALL HUNTERS at Glen Elder WA are required to check-in AND check-out daily. Go to https://ksoutdoors.com/checkin or utilize the GoOutdoorsKS app and check-in using your licensing login credentials. It is YOUR responsibility to know a property's regulations, refuge(s) and duck zone boundaries, etc. BEFORE you hunt. Click here for a detailed map of the refuges, youth area, and State Park boundaries. Please be aware that the Low Plains Early Duck Zone and Low Plains Late Duck Zone boundary is HWY 24. This means Glen Elder WA North of Hwy 24 is in the Early Zone. The majority of the Glen Elder WA (South of HWY 24) is in the Late Zone. -- WATERFOWL HUNTERS WITH BOATS- The Boller Point boat ramp project has been completed, however construction on the Cawker City Causeway has closed the road preventing access to the ramp. At this time, the only useable ramps are in the State Park (NE corner of lake). --- 3/5/25 update= The lake is now 100% Ice free. There are very high numbers of snow geese in the area, mixed in with Canada's and some white fronts. There are also some ducks utilizing the lake. Hunters should be cautious to only harvest snow geese as the rest of the species are closed. --- Avian Flu has hit the snow geese again as in previous years, and there may be large numbers of dead and dying geese around the lake. Do not touch these dead geese and it is encouraged to keep dogs away from them as well. Numbers of all species may change dramatically day-to-day. -- Mallard Migration Rank = 1 (10 is peak migration) --- |
Water level | Lake is currently 6.6 feet below conservation. Cover is still very far away from water everywhere on the property. |
Hunting conditions | Very Poor with NO shoreline cover available. Hunters still need to be cautious of DANGEROUS MUD CONDITIONS on the river and creek areas. Ice conditions = 0% coverage |
Expected hunting success | fair to good on fields around the lake |
Comments | The following boat ramps are currently UNUSABLE due to low water levels: Granite Creek, North Fork River, Carr Creek, Schoen's Cove and Walnut Creek. Low Plains Early Duck Zone (North of Highway 24) season is CLOSED for the season Low Plains Late Duck Zone (South of Highway 24) season is CLOSED for the season. Dark geese season is CLOSED for the season. Whitefront season is CLOSED for the season. Spring Conservation Order Light geese season is OPEN until April 30th. Cawker City and Granite Creek Refuge closure dates are November 1st - January 31st. The Youth/ Mentor hunting area is located in the Granite Creek Refuge and is in effect from October 1 - January 31. Waterfowl hunting from the shoreline area is allowed in the Youth-Mentor Area as long as EACH adult is hunting with a youth 17 years or younger. Boats of any sort are prohibited in the Granite Creek Refuge. Zebra Mussels have been confirmed in Waconda Lake. Be sure to dry boats and equipment before moving to other waters. |
JAMESTOWN WILDLIFE AREA - Last Updated: 2/4/2025 Print
Waterfowl numbers | Starting to see birds migrate back north. Goose numbers fluctuate daily. REMEMBER: Hunters are REQUIRED to check-in / check-out here, https://ksoutdoors.com/checkin using your licensing login credentials. |
Water levels | Had a good thaw going up until today. The area is back to being 100% frozen with one small hole being kept open by a few hundred ducks. Water levels have slightly increased and will not increase more unless we receive more moisture. We are unable to move water into Marsh Creek Marsh or pump from Marsh Creek Marsh into Buffalo Creek Marsh due to water right restrictions. Puddler Marsh: Dry. Gamekeeper Marsh: Sheet water only. Remember, the refuge is now closed; Gun Club West Marsh: Around half full; avg. depth of 12" to 18" with very shallow water around the margins Gun Club East: Slightly higher in elevation than Gun Club West, avg. depth of 14" to 20" with sheet water around the margins. Greenwing Marsh; Huntable water with areas that were mowed prior to flooding, but has dropped significantly. Marsh Creek Marsh: Dry due to water right restrictions Buffalo Creek Marshes: Dry due to water right restrictions Pintail Marsh: Dry |
Hunting conditions | Excellent moist soil production and abundant flooded vegetation. Gun Club West has very high abundance of cattails that have been sprayed. Expect those to brown up and break down throughout the fall. Remember: NO ATV's are allowed on department lands and roads. THIS INCLUDES ARGO'S AND E-BIKES There is a no trash policy: If you take it in with you, please bring it out. This includes spent shotgun shells. THIS REGULATION WILL BE ENFORCED. ALL vehicles must remain on designated roads and parking areas. REFUGE IS NOW OPEN
Expected hunting success | Poor. Goose use is minimal with the area being froze. |
Comments | We had issues last season with reckless boating in the early morning hours. Please remember to be cautious while running the boat channels, as there is little to no room for more than one boat at a time. We have had several near collisions and mishaps. Also remember, ALL boating regulations will be enforced. Navigation lights (red and green bow lights along with an all around white stern light, light bars and headlamps do not qualify), life jackets, passenger capacities and boat registrations (even lay-out boats with a motor) ARE required. We have also had issues with hunters playing loud music while motoring out and setting up. Please remember to be courteous of other hunters on the area. Not everyone wants to hear it. The MANDATORY electronic check system can be found on the GoOutdoorsKS app. or by following the link below and using your licensing login credentials.
Waterfowl Seasons Canada Geese: 11/6/24 - 2/16/25 White-Fronted Geese: 1/25/25 - 2/16/25 Light Geese: 11/6/24 - 2/16/25 Light Geese Conservation Order: 2/17/25 - 4/30/25 Hunters are REQUIRED to check in AND OUT using the electronic permitting system. Hunters need to check-in / check-out by going to https://ksoutdoors.com/checkin using your licensing login credentials. Hunters need to make sure they have all the appropriate licenses and stamps for hunting waterfowl. The following are required: Kansas hunting license State waterfowl stamp Federal waterfowl stamp Kansas Harvest Information Program Stamp (HIP) RINGNECK MARSH IS DESIGNATED FOR YOUTH AND MENTORS ONLY. EACH HUNTER 16 YEARS AND OLDER MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY ONE OR MORE YOUTH UNDER 16 YEARS OLD. Marsh Creek Marsh and the West Gamekeeper Marsh is for non-gasoline powered boats or paddle-in / Walk-in only, this includes electric motor boats and boats with no motors. Gasoline engines are prohibited. Buffalo Creek & Pintail Marshes are for non-motorized boats and walk-in hunting only. HUNTERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO :
THE REFUGE IS NOW OPEN Please introduce youth and novice hunters to the outdoors. Pass it on! |
LOVEWELL RESERVOIR - Last Updated: 3/14/2025 Print
Waterfowl numbers | Most waterfowl including light geese numbers have decreased significantly but numbers fluctuate daily. Waterfowl have already moved north as they push to the snowline which is just north of the South Dakota/Nebraska border. . ATTENTION - NUMBERS OF LIGHT GEESE HAVE DIED FROM HPAI. USE EXTREME CAUTION WITH HANDLING THESE BIRDS (SEE COMMENTS BELOW) |
Mallard Migration Ranking | |
Water level | Lovewell Reservoir is at 157963 or 2.97 feet below Conservation Pool,( 73.9% full). The BOR and Kansas Bostwick Irrigation District are releasing 0.2 cfs. Inflows of 27.5 cfs from the Guide Rock Diversion Canal from the Republican River is being used to refill the reservoir aand these inflows have restarted. The construction project on the canal is completed. Irrigation season ended on 9/16. |
Comments | DEAD AND DYING LIGHT GEESES ARE PRESENT ON THE SHORELINES. CONTACT WITH THESE BIRDS SHOULD BE AVOIDED. RESULTS FROM TESTING HAVE BEEN RECEIVED. IT IS ILLEGAL TO HANDLE THESE DEAD BIRDS. CONTACT WITH THE DRIED ALGAE AND POCKETS OF VISIBLE ALGAE BLOOM AREAS IS NOT RECOMMENDED AND SHOULD BE AVOIDED, ESPECIALLY FOR DOGS. PARK PERMIT REQUIRED TO ENTER THE STATE PARK. NO HUNTING IS ALLOWED FROM THE SHORELINE OF THE STATE PARK. REFUGE REGULATIONS: The land refuge closed to hunting and other activities year-round. Water refuge in effect November 1 through April 15 on the NORTHEAST half of the reservoir and Wildlife Area from 1/8th mile west of the south end of the dam and following a buoy line northwest to the western boundary of the Cabin Area of the State Park. This area open to fishing south and east of the buoy line from the north end of the dam to the Lovewell State Park Twin Coves trailer area. Inlet canal closed to fishing September 15 through April 15. BOAT RAMPS: SEE HUNTING CONDITION FOR BOAT RAMP STATUS. The State Park boat ramps require a Kansas State Park Permit. The Wildlife Area Boat Ramps are Pawnee Point, Oak Hill and White Rock Creek do not require a permit. CAMPING CABINS are available in Lovewell State Park. Make reservations HERE HUNTERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO :
FOLLOWING SAFE AND ETHICAL PRACTICES WILL ENSURE THAT EVERYONE HUNTING PUBLIC LANDS ENJOYS A HIGH-QUALITY EXPERIENCE. Hunters can check-in / check-out here, https://license.gooutdoorskansas.com using your licensing login credentials. Contact the office for other arrangements. We thank you for your patience. Please introduce youth and novice hunters to the outdoors. Pass it on! |
NORTON - Last Updated: 1/27/2025 Print
SMOKY HILL/KANOPOLIS - Last Updated: 2/4/2025 Print
Waterfowl numbers | Several thousand Canada and light geese around reservoir on private lands; limited public lands use |
Water level | reservoir is at winter conservation level |
Hunting conditions | Near peak numbers in region |
Comments | Refuge is CLOSED to all access from September 1st through January 31st. Teal Season - Low Plains September 14, 2024- September 29, 2024 Duck Season - Low Plains Late Zone October 26, 2024 - December 29, 2024 and January 18-26, 2025 Youth Weekend, Duck and Goose October 19-20, 2024 Goose Season CANADA GEESE October 26-27, 2024 and November 6, 2024 - February 16, 2025 WHITE-FRONTED October 26, 2024 - December 29, 2024 and January 25 - February 16, 2025 LIGHT GEESE October 26-27, 2024 and November 6, 2024 - February 16, 2025 Sandhill Crane Season - Central Crane Zone November 6, 2024 - January 2, 2025 LIGHT GOOSE CONSERVATION ORDER February 17 - April 30, 2025 |
TALMO - Last Updated: 2/4/2025 Print
Waterfowl numbers | No waterfowl observed on the area this week. All pools are dry.
REMINDER: ALL HUNTERS NEED TO CHECK-IN / CHECK-OUT. Click here, https://ksoutdoors.com/checkin using your licensing |
Hunting conditions | Poor with no water |
Expected hunting success | Will depend upon rainfall. |
Comments | Remember: - TALMO IS IN THE LOW PLAINS LATE ZONE TALMO IS IN THE CLOSED SANDHILL CRANE ZONE Low Plains Late Zone Duck Season Canada Geese: 10/26/24 - 10/27/24 & 11/06/25 - 2/16/25 White-Fronted Geese: 10/26/24 - 12/29/24 & 1/25/25 - 2/16/25 Light Geese: 10/26/24 - 10/27/24 & 11/6/24 - 2/16/25 Light Geese, Conservation Order: 2/17/25 - 4/30/25
- Hunters can Check-in / Check-out here, https://ksoutdoors.com/checkin using your licensing login credentials. - No ATV's are allowed on Department land and maintained roads. -ALL shotgun hunters must use NON-TOXIC shot -No motorized boats allowed. Hunters wanting to utilize boats must carry/paddle them in. -The area has a no trash policy. If you take it in, please bring it back out with you. This includes spent shotgun shells. -ALL vehicles MUST remain on the roads and designated parking areas only. |
WEBSTER - Last Updated: 2/27/2025 Print
Waterfowl numbers | As of 2/27/25 there is still very little open water for birds to use. Snow goose numbers are highly variable day to day and there seem to be less birds using Webster this week. The birds that are moving a lot and feeding on private land. |
Water level | 1867.0'; 25.5' below conservation pool. Currently 98% Ice Cover |
Hunting conditions | Irrigation resulted in drastically lower lake levels again in 2024. There are vast mudflats or bare ground surrounding the entire reservoir. The West end of the reservoir has a very silty, soft bottom. The mud is knee deep. |
Expected hunting success | Poor due to ice and water level Boaters: Please be aware of shallow water if using a boat for waterfowl hunting. Many areas near shorelines are very shallow. There are also some humps and high spots that are just out of visibility right below the surface. |
Comments | Refuge and non-motorized boat area dates: Nov. 1 through Jan. 31. Morel boat ramp is currently dry. The Rockpoint boat ramp within the State Park is accessible. Hunters need a park pass to access boat ramps in the state park. Hunting in or from the shoreline inside the State Park or along the face of the dam is prohibited. Closed areas will be marked with buoys. Refuge boundaries are posted around the area, in the state park office or on the OnX Hunt app. REMINDER: Camping is not permitted on the wildlife area, including in parking lots, except for in designated campgrounds. Ground fires are also not permitted except in provided fire rings within campgrounds. Blue/Green Algae There are currently no blue-green algae advisories for the lake. Webster Reservoir currently does not have zebra mussels. Please be sure equipment is cleaned and dry before coming to Webster from other places. Teal Season - Low Plains September 14, 2024- September 29, 2024 Duck Season on Webster Reservoir - Low Plains Late Zone October 26, 2024 - December 29, 2024 and January 18-26, 2025 Youth Weekend, Duck and Goose October 19-20, 2024 Goose Season on Webster Reservoir CANADA GEESE October 26-27, 2024 and November 6, 2024 - February 16, 2025 WHITE-FRONTED October 26, 2024 - December 29, 2024 and January 25 - February 16, 2025 LIGHT GEESE October 26-27, 2024 and November 6, 2024 - February 16, 2025 Sandhill Crane Season on Webster Reservoir - Central Crane Zone November 6, 2024 - January 2, 2025 LIGHT GOOSE CONSERVATION ORDER February 17 - April 30, 2025
Webster Wildlife Area and Refuge Map |
WILSON - Last Updated: 2/4/2025 Print
Waterfowl numbers | Several thousand Canada and light geese in area. Feeding on private lands. West end is ice covered. |
Water level | 5 ft low |
Hunting conditions | Cedar Creek boat ramp is dry and inaccessible; Elm Creek boat ramp is iced up. Best opportunity is field hunting. Always get landowner permission before hunting on private lands. There is no check-in or check-out to hunt Public Lands at Wilson Wildlife Area. |
Expected hunting success | Near peak Canada and light geese numbers in general region |
Comments | Refuges are closed Sept 1-Jan 31 to all access except by special permit. This includes land and water refuge areas. Teal Season - Low Plains September 14, 2024- September 29, 2024 Duck Season on Wilson Reservoir - Low Plains Late Zone October 26, 2024 - December 29, 2024 and January 18-26, 2025 Youth Weekend, Duck and Goose October 19-20, 2024 Goose Season on Wilson Reservoir CANADA GEESE October 26-27, 2024 and November 6, 2024 - February 16, 2025 WHITE-FRONTED October 26, 2024 - December 29, 2024 and January 25 - February 16, 2025 LIGHT GEESE October 26-27, 2024 and November 6, 2024 - February 16, 2025 Sandhill Crane Season on Wilson Reservoir - Central Crane Zone November 6, 2024 - January 2, 2025 LIGHT GOOSE CONSERVATION ORDER February 17 - April 30, 2025 |
This is a collection of all the Northeast Waterfowl Reports
BENEDICTINE WILDLIFE AREA - Last Updated: 1/14/2025 Print
Waterfowl numbers | Mallard Migration Rank: 2 (Estimate of potential mallard numbers. 1=lowest, 10=highest) Some Teal are on the Wildlife Area |
Water level | A map of our wetlands is now available under the Wetland Map tab to the right. The wetlands have great habitat such as, Giant Foxtail, Annual Smartweed, Barnyard grass, and sunflowers. We are currently pumping the small wetland complex southwest of the shop. It doesn't seem to be holding water as well as in years past. Refuge (NOT open to hunting) October 1 through March 31 the area can only be accessed with a special permit obtained through a drawing. Look for "Special Hunts" on our home page under "HUNTING". |
Hunting conditions | Native vegetation such as annual smart weeds, barnyard grass, foxtail, and sunflowers are the most common vegetation. |
Expected hunting success | Small groups of mallards are periodically using the Benedictine wetlands, along with the surrounding areas. About 500 ducks on the refuge. Hasn't been many ducks using the hurtable wetland. |
Comments | Both wetlands southwest of shop/office are being pumped. Refuge wetland is being pumped as well. |
CLINTON - Last Updated: 2/3/2025 Print
Waterfowl numbers | Updated 2-3-25 Bi-weekly Waterfowl surveys are conducted on Clinton reservoir every year from Sept. to March. Waterfowl numbers were lower compared to the previous survey. 1/28/25 Survey Results: Mallard- 5 Bufflehead- 8 Goldeneye-4 Hooded Merganser- 0 Common Merganser-28 Total ducks- 45 Canada Geese - 1,105 Snow geese-0 Total geese- 1,105 Coots- 0 Total waterfowl- 1,150; (>90% ice) |
Lake level | Lake Level is 876.13 (0.63 feet above pool) Conservation Pool is 875.50 Clinton Wildlife Area Refuge is OPEN (Closed October 1-January 15) |
Hunting conditions | Wetland Pools Coblentz - SE, SW, middle, and north pools are all full. Good millet and smartweed with perimeter rows of standing corn. Pumping is completed. East Coblentz- Full. Food sources in pool are beggar's ticks and smartweed with some millets. Deep, open pool north side of marsh. Shadden- Some water in lower areas near structure- filled by rainfall only. Millet in marsh south of river; millet and standing corn on perimeter of newly constructed marsh on the North side of the river. Open to hunting, needs rainfall for huntable water. Elk Creek- Elk Creek pools 1, 2, and 3 are full. The Refuge pool is 3/4 filled to full. Elk creek marsh pools are numbered from West to East, with pool 1 next to Elk Creek boat ramp and parking lot. Food: moist-soil vegetation- millets, smartweed, and beggar's ticks with a few strips of milo in pool 3. Pumping is completed. All wetland pools that can be pumped are full. Additional rainfall and colder weather may change marsh conditions as well as local waterfowl numbers rapidly. ICE- On the date of update, the managed wildlife area marsh pools have some ice. Most ponds and shallow water areas are partially iced up. The lake is roughly 40% frozen. The river has some thinning ice. Lake- Lake level is just above normal pool. There are many shallow areas of the lake that offer mudflats for waterfowl hunting opportunities. Wildlife Area REFUGE is currently OPEN. Clinton W.A. Refuge will be CLOSED FROM OCTOBER 1ST, 2025 TO JANUARY 15TH, 2026. Please look for signage and the mowed line indicating the Western Refuge boundary. It runs North and South along the back side of pool 3. The East Refuge boundary extends half a mile east of County Rd. 1023, running parallel to the road, across the Wakarusa arm of Clinton reservoir. KDWP 2024-2025 Online Hunting Atlas Clinton contains miles of creeks, rivers and oxbows on the wildlife area; each of which has unique conditions and frequently hold waterfowl when weather and/or hunting pressure pushes them from marsh pools.
Expected hunting success | Poor to fair |
Comments | IMPORTANT! Clinton Wildlife Area is utilizing an electronic check-in system required of all hunters. To check-in / check-out, please go to https://ksoutdoors.com/checkin using your licensing login credentials. Please remember that trapping is also allowed on the Wildlife Area. Elk Creek (Wakarusa River) and Coon Creek (Lake) boat ramps are open. Rock Creek Boat ramp is closed; a gravel launch area for canoes and kayaks is available when lake is near or above normal pool (875.5). |
HILLSDALE - Last Updated: 2/10/2025 Print
Waterfowl Numbers | The Hillsdale Wildlife Area has experienced a relatively dry year in regards to water levels in 2024. The reservoir currently sits 2 feet below conservation pool. Due to the low water level of Hillsdale Reservoir, the wetlands were unable to be pumped this year. ALL WETLANDS ARE DRY. Waterfowl counts given on this report are based on what was observed on the day the report is updated. Waterfowl numbers vary greatly from day to day and weather conditions and hunting pressure will affect the numbers of waterfowl on the area. A waterfowl survey was conducted on 2/10/2025. The survey showed around 40 Canada geese on Hillsdale reservoir. Around 25 mallards, 75 goldeneye, 10 bufflehead, and 20 unidentified divers were also seen. |
Water Level | Antioch Wetland - Empty Browns Wetland, Upper pool - Empty Browns Wetland, Lower pool - Empty Youth-Mentor Wetland - Empty Wade Branch Wetlands - North - Low, South - Low Hillsdale Lake - See Army Corps Daily Report ICE CONDITION - 70% ice cover on lake. 0% ice cover on wetlands |
Comments | Reminder - check-in / check-out is required for all hunting on Hillsdale Wildlife Area. This can be done here, https://ksoutdoors.com/checkin using your licensing login credentials. The information and harvest data collected, along with comments received are very useful in establishing future management goals for the Hillsdale State Wildlife Area. https://www.ksoutdoors.com/Hunting/Migratory-Birds/Ducks for more information on seasons and limits. |
JEFFREY ENERGY CENTER - Last Updated: 1/15/2025 Print
Waterfowl numbers | Ducks: Mixed bag of around 150 ducks on area Geese: 5,000 snow geese and 2,000 canada geese on area. Auxillary lake is mostly frozen as of 1/15/25, which will make hunting difficult and decrease waterfowl numbers. |
Water level | Normal |
Hunting conditions | Poor-fair |
Expected hunting success | Poor-fair |
Comments | Make-up Lake is closed to waterfowl hunting during waterfowl season. Boats are not allowed on Auxillary lake during waterfowl season. Individuals wishing to hunt Unit #2 of the wildlife area must enter through the main gate and sign in at the guard house. Be sure to have a photo I.D. with you when checking in. Hunters are required to drive maintained roads only. A map will be provided to all hunters showing open roads as well as parking areas. Vehicles are allowed to park in parking areas only. |
MILFORD WILDLIFE AREA - Last Updated: 2/4/2025 Print
Waterfowl numbers | Waterfowl counts given on this report are based on what was observed on the day the report is updated. Waterfowl numbers vary greatly from day to day and weather conditions and hunting pressure will affect the numbers of waterfowl on the area. Waterfowl Survey completed on 02/04/2025 4150 ducks, 6000 Mergansers, and 5000 Geese were seen on the area. |
Lake level | Current Lake Level is 1143.85 and Conservation Pool is 1144.4 The dam is releasing 50 CFS. The inflow into the lake is 520 CFS. |
Hunting conditions | Vegetation growth and seed production has been above average this year. Pockets of thick vegetation present in some wetlands that could result in difficulty finding down birds. 70% Ice Cover ALL OTHER WETLANDS have no water being pumped at this time, due to low water levels for the pumps to be functional. No activities/hunting allowed in the Steve Lloyd Wetland/Refuge. Motorized boats are only allowed in the Mall Creek wetland, electric motors are considered "motorized". All other public hunting wetlands are open to NON motorized boats and walk in hunting. |
Expected hunting success | Fair. Moist soil plants will provide great habitat and food for this year. |
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do NOT drive on dikes. Vehicles disrupt and discourage waterfowl from using the wetland areas. We have had several dikes being damaged due to unauthorized vehicles driving on them. Scouting is best done on foot to evaluate bird numbers and habitat conditions. Please report any vehicles on dikes and anyone seen disturbing our pumps. Without the pumps in optimal condition we are unable to pump the wetlands to their greatest potential. Do NOT block gates, and pay attention to No Parking signs in the wetland parking lots. Hunter's need to be aware of their targets before shooting. The area is a no trash policy, so if you take it in, please bring it back out with you. This includes spent shotgun shells Fires are not permitted anywhere on the wildlife area. Violators will be ticketed Remember - Hunters can check-in / check-out here, https://license.gooutdoorskansas.com/. All hunters (youth included) must first register online. The information collected and comments received are very useful in establishing future management goals for the area. https://www.ksoutdoors.com/Hunting/Migratory-Birds/Ducks for more information on seasons and limits. |
PERRY WILDLIFE AREA - Last Updated: 1/15/2025 Print
Waterfowl Updates | A waterfowl survey was conducted on 1/15/25 and all wetlands and the Delaware River are 100% frozen. Most waterfowl are confined to a few small pockets out in the middle of the main lake.
ATTENTION WATERFOWL HUNTERS - LEGAL SHOOTING LIGHT IS FROM 3O MINUTES BEFORE SUNRISE TO SUNSET. *DON'T FORGET TO CHECK-IN / CHECK-OUT HERE, https://ksoutdoors.com/checkin using your licensing login credentials. Mallard Migration Rank = 5 (0 = no mallards 10 = peak migration)
Lake level | 0.08 Feet Below Conservation Pool |
Habitat conditions | Mild flooding in the spring, followed by a wetter than normal summer allowed for minimal pool work to be completed, however native moist soil response was good overall.
Comments | Habitat Condition Rating (HCR): 1-10; 1-Poor habitat, 5-quality habitat, 10-Exceptional habitat Reminder: Gas powered boats are only allowed on the River, Lake, Sunset Ridge, Kyle East and West and Rucker wetland pools. Electric powered boats are allowed in all marsh pools. Kyle: West unit is full and launching boats should be no problem. Early summer flooding led to no mechanical pool disturbance, however it did allow the West unit to fill 100% full and the water was held. Full Pool. Launching of boats in the East unit is possible. HCR-6 West River: Early summer flooding led to no mechanical pool disturbance and some water was held in the upper and lower units. Native moist soil vegetation is good with areas of river bullrush becoming fairly thick with no opportunity to get in and remove any this year. Pumping has began and will continue throughout the beginning of regular duck season as migration increases. HCR-6 Upper Ferguson: This wetland grew mostly native smartweed and has little water currently. The water control structure is currently removed from the wetland and we do not have a timeline on when we will have the new one installed yet. The refuge is closed Oct 1st thru Jan 15th to ALL Activity HCR-6. Lassiter: Late summer heavy rain allowed for some water to collect in both the East and West Units. Some of the wetland vegetation is fairly thick in this wetland as some disking was done very early spring, but then conditions didn't allow us to get back in this pool. HCR-5 Northwest: This unit was managed for native moist soil this season. Moist soil vegetation did well and late summer rains allowed for collection of some water already. Full Pool. HCR-7 Headquarters: Corn was planted in this marsh and most of it on the South end flooded out and water was held. HCR-5 Mitigation: Minimal Water. Moist soil vegetation is very good in this unit and boards are in to hopefully collect more water as the season progresses. HCR-7 Hayward: Water was caught and held in this unit very early this spring, leading to minimal food available . HCR-5 Reichart: Most of this wetland was planted to corn and has been harvested. Full Pool on East side, west units run off dependent for further flooding. HCR-8. Zebra Mussels have been confirmed in the lake. Be sure to dry boats and equipment before moving to other waters. Please remember to fill out the permit with accurate information. THIS INFORMATION IS VERY IMPORTANT TO THE CURRENT AND FUTURE MANAGEMENT OF THE AREA. FILL OUT ONLY YOUR INDIVIDUAL HARVEST EFFORTS, i.e., NOT A GROUP HARVEST TOTAL. |
TUTTLE CREEK WILDLIFE AREA - Last Updated: 12/27/2024 Print
Waterfowl numbers | Throughout the week of 12/23/2024-12/27/2024, we have observed a few more waterfowl in the area using the Black Vermillion and along the river. On 12/26/2024, during the waterfowl report route, 51 mallards, 6 pintail, 32 Buffleheads, 145 mergansers and 25 unidentified ducks were observed. This survey is only for Tuttle Creek Wildlife Area with certain observation points along the route. Please Mallard Migration Rank (0-10) =5 |
Water level | The lake is currently at 1070.22 which is 4.78' below. Out flow is 500 cfs and inflow is 276 cfs. |
Hunting conditions | Fair |
Expected hunting success | Fair |
Comments | Please check in using https://ksoutdoors.com/checkin prior to hunting Tuttle Creek Wildlife Area. The bridge on Rolander Rd. has been shut down as it did not pass inspections for safe travel. As of now Olsburg Marsh will not be able to be pumped do to low water levels and mechanical issues on the wetland pump. The Black Vermillion wetland has good water. All other areas that had water during the teal season are now dry or the water level is very low. Please use caution when using the Swede Creek and Redbud boat ramp, due to the water level be low. |
This is a collection of all the Southwest Waterfowl Report
CHEYENNE BOTTOMS - Last Updated: 3/4/2025 Print
Waterfowl numbers | Snow goose numbers are declining as spring migration progresses. Duck numbers are increasing. If the report has not been updated in a few days, please assume that conditions and bird numbers are the same as the last update. |
Water level | Pool 1A-30", Pool 1B-some sheet water, Pool 1C-dry Pool 2-some sheet water Pool 3A-10", Pool 3B-dry, Pool 4A-dry, Pool 4B-dry, Pool 5-dry. Recent rains have put some sheet water in some of the pools, but will likely soak in. Diverting some water from the river. Cheyenne Bottoms has no ground water pumps to fill pools. |
Hunting conditions | Pool 2- Planted 60 acres of wheat in the pool. A total of 996 acres of cattails and Phragmites were sprayed August 2023. Blind islands are being rebuilt. Pool 3B- 135 acres of wheat planted in the pool. 5 acres of milo planted. Pool 3A- 4A- 4B- 5- Habitat in the pools look fair with decent amounts of smartweed and barnyard grass along with other annuals scattered throughout. All blind islands in 3A, 3B, 4A, and 4B have been rebuilt. |
Expected hunting success | Poor. Less flooded acres than last year. Been slow so far this season, but a few birds are being harvested. Ducks continue to stay in the refuge portion of the property during legal shooting hours. Most of the waterfowl are using private land that has sheet water in ag fields and not staying on the wildlife area. |
ISABEL - Last Updated: 1/24/2025 Print
Waterfowl numbers | No waterfowl observed 1/24. 100% ice-covered. |
Water level | The main lake is full. The pool south of the main lake is full and the pool east of that on the east side of the county road is also full. The pool along Hwy. 42 is full. |
Hunting conditions | |
Expected hunting success | |
Comments | Teal Season (Low Plains Zone): September 14-September 29, 2024 Youth, Veteran, Active Military Waterfowl (Low Plains Late Zone): October 19-20, 2024 Ducks (Low Plains Late Zone): October 26, 2024 - December 29, 2024 (first segment) and January 18 - January 26, 2025 (second segment) Daily check-in and harvest reporting is required Check-in/Check-out on The Web
Check-in/Check-out on The App
Only non-toxic shot is allowed on Isabel Wetland Wildlife Area for all species. |
TEXAS LAKE - Last Updated: 1/24/2025 Print
Waterfowl number | No waterfowl observed 1/24/25. 100% ice-covered |
Water levels | Currently, pool 1 is nearly full and is mostly open water. Pool 2 has water with thick vegetation - mostly smartweed. Pool 3B has water. Pool 4 has some water. Pool 6 is nearly full and is mostly open water. Pool 7 is nearly dry. Pool 8 is full with disked openings in smartweed. There is some water north of pool 6. Pool 9 is 75% full. |
Hunting conditions | |
Expected hunting success | |
Comments | Teal Season (Low Plains Zone): 9/14/24 - 9/29/24 Youth, Veteran, Active Military Waterfowl (Low Plains Early Zone): 10/5/24 - 10/6/24 Regular Ducks (Low Plains Early Zone): 10/12/24 - 12/8/24 and 12/21/24 -1/5/25 Daily check-in and harvest reporting is required Check-in/Check-out on The Web
Check-in/Check-out on The App
Only non-toxic shot is allowed for all shotgun hunting at Texas Lake Wildlife Area. |
This is a collection of all the South Central Waterfowl Reports
CHENEY - Last Updated: 1/15/2025 Print
Waterfowl numbers | Very few ducks observed on the area. Geese have moved into the area. Large numbers of Snow Geese have been using the reservoir. There are Canadas and specks mixed in. Reminder that Specks are not in season currently. |
Water level | Lake level 7.43 ft. low. Ice cover 90% |
Hunting conditions | Marginal With the recent rainfall the rive at the upper end of the reservoir has started to get water into moist soil habitat. The wetland and low areas around the reservoir are holding huntable water. |
Expected hunting success | Marginal |
Comments | Vehicles are not to be driven on the lakebed. This includes UTV, ATV, and E-Bikes. Hunters, please remember there is Phragmites and Salt Cedar on the lakebed. Do not move these plants for blind material or take them from the lake to brush in layout blinds. Cheney Wildlife Area is located in the Low Plains Late Zone Daily bag limit: 6 Six ducks is the daily bag limit, with species and sex restrictions as follows: 5 mallards (no more than 2 of which may be females), 3 wood ducks, 2 redheads, 2 canvasbacks, 1 pintail, and 1 scaup. The daily bag may comprise six of any other duck, such as six teal, six gadwall, six merganser or six wigeon. Possession limit: Three times the daily limit. The refuge at Cheney Wildlife Area, located on the south side of Pretty Prairie Rd between Obee Rd and Kent Rd, extends out from the shoreline about 100 yards into the water. What this means is that water along the shoreline of the refuge is included in the restricted access area and is off limits to hunting. Accessing the refuge by boat or hunting near the refuge shoreline is not permitted. Remember Cheney Reservoir has ZEBRA MUSSELS. Make sure to Clean, Drain and Dry your equipment. Clean all visible vegetation and mud from decoys, bags, waders, etc. Drain water from decoy bags and boats. Allow equipment to Dry for a five day period before using it at another area, OR wash with high-pressure hot water. Many of the roads around the reservoir can get very greasy after rain, or melting snow, please use good judgement about which roads you try to travel on. Area roads have been upgraded with gravel. Please keep vehicles on maintained road and parking areas. Off road vehicle use is strictly prohibited. Please report all wildlife and public lands violations that you witness by calling the area headquarters at (620) 459-6922. Please leave a detailed message with violation specifics. In the event of an emergency, please call 911. |
BYRON WALKER - Last Updated: 1/13/2025 Print
Waterfowl numbers | variable |
Water level | Kingman State Lake is still almost 14 inches low. All the marshes have picked up huntable water. The new headquarters marsh will not be intentionally flooded this fall. As of 1/13/25, all marshes and the lake are frozen up. |
Hunting conditions | Limited open water other than the river.
Expected hunting success | Fair. Coming cold fronts should bring in new migrants. |
Comments |
COUNCIL GROVE - Last Updated: 3/4/2025 Print
Waterfowl numbers | Light geese rare or absent. |
Water levels | 0.4 feet below conservation elevation (1,274') on 3/4/25. |
Hunting conditions | The lake was ice free on 3/4/25. The lake remained relatively full through August. Hot and dry conditions persisted in September and October. Moist soil plants are largely absent along lake fringes. As such, few food resources will be available for waterfowl within lake environments. |
Expected hunting success | Poor for Light Geese. |
Comments | Duck and Dark Goose seasons are CLOSED. Light Geese Spring Conservation Order is open through April 30. |
EL DORADO - Last Updated: 1/22/2025 Print
Waterfowl Numbers | Small number of geese observed using the area and very few ducks. |
Water level | At 1337.34', approximately 1.66' below conservation elevation (1339'). 100% lake ice |
Hunting conditions | Poor lake is 100% ice covered. |
Expected hunting success | Poor |
Comments | NOTE: El Dorado Lake is located within the Low Plains Southeast Zone. |
KAW WILDLIFE AREA. - Last Updated: 1/24/2025 Print
Waterfowl numbers | There are not very many waterfowl using the area at this present time with the ice being on. |
Water level | Normal |
Hunting conditions | Poor |
Expected hunting success | Poor |
Comments | TEAL, LOW PLAINS ZONE Season: Sept. 14-29, 2024 Area open: East of Hwy. U. S. 283 Daily bag limit:6 Possession limit:18 Stamps Required: Kansas HIP Stamp, State Waterfowl Stamp, Federal Waterfowl Stamp DUCKS, LOW PLAINS SOUTHEAST ZONE Season: November 09, 2024 - January 5, 2025, AND January 11-26, 2025 Area open: Southeast Zone (see map) Daily bag limit:6 Possession limit: Three times the daily limit |
MCPHERSON VALLEY WETLANDS - Last Updated: 1/16/2025 Print
Waterfowl numbers | ATTENTION: All hunters MUST check-in / check-out when hunting. Visit https://ksoutdoors.com/checkin using your licensing login credentials to check in and out. 16 January 2025: *****THE 2024 - 2025 LPEZ DUCK SEASON IS CLOSED FOR THE YEAR***** The second split of whitefront season opens 25 January 2025. Goose seasons close 16 February 2025. No waterfowl observed this week. The wetlands are 100% frozen. See water level information below. All activities in the north and south refuges in the Big Basin are prohibited. |
Current Information | Be aware of three new regulations in effect at McPherson Valley Wetlands: (1) The Big Basin has been designated as "youth only" during the youth and military waterfowl weekend, (2) the use of motorized boats is prohibited, and (3) centerfire rifles and handguns are prohibited. |
Water levels | ICE COVER IS CURRENTLY AT 100%. The wetlands received 4.33" of rain in November, and conditions have improved. Scouting will still be critical in determining which wetlands have water. Groundwater pumping efforts are complete in the Big Basin, as our allotment of water for the season has been pumped. At the Little Sinkhole, the pump station has finally been repaired. Big Basin: Improved conditions, with water in a good share of the wetlands that are open to public hunting, and decent water in the refuges. Chain of Lakes: Water levels have improved in the western unit. Be aware that the vast majority of Steel's Pond on the east boundary of the eastern unit is privately owned. Little Sinkhole Marshes: A good share of the wetlands in this unit now have huntable water. |
Hunting conditions | We will continue to roller chop / manipulate vegetation to create hunting spots as the season moves forward. Waterfowl food production (native moist soil vegetation) has been exceptionally good across the area this year. The food is here, so if we get continue getting rain, conditions will improve even more. |
Expected hunting success | Fair. |
Comments | **ATTENTION: **THERE IS A "NO TRASH POLICY" IN EFFECT AT MCPHERSON VALLEY WETLANDS. PLEASE CARRY OUT WHATEVER YOU CARRY IN, INCLUDING EMPTY HULLS AND OTHER TRASH. PLEASE TRY TO LEAVE YOUR HUNTING SPOT AS CLEAN OR CLEANER THAN IT WAS WHEN YOU ARRIVED. THANKS!!! **REFUGE AREAS: THE SOUTH REFUGE AREA IN THE BIG BASIN IS OFF-LIMITS TO ALL ACTIVITIES ALL YEAR LONG, AND THIS INCLUDES DUCK HUNTING. THERE IS NO HUNTING OR PUBLIC ACCESS OF ANY KIND ALLOWED IN THE SOUTH REFUGE IN THE BIG BASIN!! THE NORTH REFUGE IN THE BIG BASIN IS A REFUGE-IN-TIME AND IS ONLY OPEN TO PUBLIC ACCESS FROM APRIL 1ST UNTIL SEPTEMBER 30TH, THEN IT IS CLOSED TO ALL ACTIVITIES FROM OCTOBER 1ST TO MARCH 31ST. The Little Sinkhole/Farland Lake marsh unit is included in the EARLY low-plains duck zone (as is the rest of MPWL). All shotgun hunters at McPherson Wetlands are required to use non-toxic shot for all hunting. This includes upland birds. Throughout all units, please be mindful of farmers and big equipment operators needing to access and maintain roads. Park in designated parking areas when possible, and not on the roadsides. |
SLATE CREEK WETLAND - Last Updated: 1/24/2025 Print
Waterfowl numbers | There is no waterfowl on the area at this time. All the pools are frozen shut. |
Water level | Normal |
Hunting conditions | Poor |
Expected hunting success | Poor |
Comments | Slate Creek Wetland Hunters can check-in / check-out here, using your licensing login credentials. https://license.gooutdoorskansas.com/ TEAL, LOW PLAINS ZONE
Also, all shotgun hunters at Slate Creek Wetlands are required to use non-toxic shot for all hunting. This includes upland birds.
MARION - Last Updated: 1/16/2025 Print
Migration | Migration is slowing and bird numbers are decreasing. Numbers can change daily |
Ice | 100% The reservoir is froze up |
Water level | Lake level is at 1350.48 (Conservation pool is 1350.50) |
Hunting conditions | Fair. Once ice starts to open up The reservoir was low for the early growing season and has a large amount of moist soil vegetation. There is a lot of smartweed along with some barnyard grass, and this moist soil vegetation has been flooded since late summer providing good food and cover. These conditions are on the north end and in several coves and shoreline areas. |
Expected hunting success | Poor. |
Comments | The boat ramp at Broken Bridge on the North Cottonwood river has been repaired. The refuge at Marion Wildlife area, located on the south west part of the reservoir along French creek, extends out from the shoreline 100 yards into the water. What this means is that approximately 110 acres of water along the shoreline of the refuge are included in the restricted access area, and are off limits to hunting. Accessing the refuge by boat or hunting near the refuge shoreline is not permitted. Remember Marion Reservoir has ZEBRA MUSSELS. Make sure to Clean, Drain and Dry your equipment. Clean all visible vegetation and mud from decoys, bags, waders, etc. Drain water from decoy bags and boats. Allow equipment to Dry for a five day period before using it at another area, OR wash with high-pressure hot water. Many of the roads around the reservoir can get very greasy after rain, or melting snow, please use good judgement about which roads you try to travel on. |
This a collection of all the Southeast Waterfowl Reports.
ELK CITY RESERVOIR/WILDLIFE AREA - Last Updated: 1/9/2025 Print
Waterfowl numbers | Waterfowl numbers fluctuate with migration, hunting pressure, and changing habitat conditions. |
Water level | We had around 8 inches of rainfall in early November and got quite a bit of runoff. All of the marshes filled up with only a couple of exceptions. The lake is 0.34 ft above conservation pool right now. For current Reservoir levels visit http://www.swt-wc.usace.army.mil/ELKC.lakepage.html |
Hunting conditions | The wetlands are all frozen. A good portion of the lake has stayed open but most of the perimeter has a good amount of ice. There is ice at the boat ramps on the reservoir. There was pretty decent vegetative growth in a lot of the wetlands and around the edge of the lake. The end of the summer was extremely dry, and a lot of the vegetation died. Food production was variable across the wetlands. |
Expected hunting success | Variable. The 5-day split has given the ducks a much-needed break from hunting pressure. The ice will make hunting difficult when season opens back up. TEAL SEASON IS SEPT. 14-29 REGULAR DUCK SEASON IS NOV. 9-JAN. 5 AND JAN. 11-26 |
Comments | Please do not leave trash on the public ground including empty shells. Individuals utilizing the wildlife area need to be aware of the refuge boundaries. Boats cannot drive through the refuge area on the water. Maps can be obtained at the Fisheries & Wildlife office (below the dam), at the State Park (on the lake side), and online at https://ksoutdoors.com/content/download/20944/140278/file/ELK%20CITY%20RES%20&%20WA.pdf |
FALL RIVER RESERVOIR - Last Updated: 12/30/2024 Print
Waterfowl numbers | 12/27/24 Low numbers of dabblers on the lake at any given time along with small groups of divers. Local watersheds and ponds are holding most of the birds. |
Water level | Lake level is 0.32 feet above normal pool. Many area marshes are dry or extremely shallow. |
Hunting conditions | Conditions are going to be promising around old oxbow lakes and coves around the mouth of the lake. |
Expected hunting success | Fair |
Comments | Waterfowl reports will be updated on a bi-weekly basis during the fall and winter waterfowl seasons. Updates will be made when significant changes in waterfowl numbers are observed. For information pertaining to the Fall River Wildlife Area call 620-583-6783. |
JOHN REDMOND - Last Updated: 12/9/2024 Print
MARAIS DES CYGNES - Last Updated: 1/24/2025 Print
Waterfowl numbers | ATTENTION HUNTERS: There is a new check-in system All hunters must check-in daily To check-in / check-out. Hunters, go to this site: https://ksoutdoors.com/checkin Use your licensing login credentials to access the check-in / check-out functions. LEGAL SHOOTING TIME FOR WATERFOWL ENDS AT SUNSET! Waterfowl species observed: none observed
Water levels | 99% Frozen
Water Level Gauges: A-North (Reese Lake/north structure): 23" A-North (middle structure): 35" A-North (south structure): 29" A-East at ramp: 17" A-East at outlet: 36" C-South at outlet: 26" Unit D wetlands: some units with adequate water Unit E wetlands: mid to upper elevations F-East at outlet: 40" F-South at outlet: 21" F-West at outlet: 18" Unit G: 19.5" Unit H: little to no water Refuge Units: B-North: 24" B-South: 34" C-North: lowest elevations. Staff use these gauges to help manage water levels through both pumping and drawdowns. We will try to provide the level of water as it reads on the gauge. Hunters should keep in mind this value should be used as an index. If the gauge reads 15", it doesn't mean there's 15" of water across the whole unit the gauge reading should be used as a reference. Over time it should help provide a better answer to one of the most common questions we get. "How much water is in _____ unit?" |
Hunting/ Habitat conditions | Moist soil food production was below average to average this growing season. It was a little too wet early and then the summer heat and dry conditions had the cocklebur growing really well. We have dedicated lots of time to controlling it, but hunters should expect it throughout the area. Army worms have devastated large areas on the Wildlife Area. A mix of millets were planted in A-East, F-West, F-South and C-North. Over 90% was wiped out by army worms in A-East. Approximately 60 acres of standing corn have been left in C-South. Summer vegetation was good: F-East and A-North. There will be some large areas of cocklebur in the lower elevations of F-East. Summer vegetation was fair: in F-South, and F-West Summer vegetation was poor to fair: Unit G. Cocklebur and army worms have impacted 90% of the unit. Summer vegetation was very poor in A-East. The entire unit was aerial seeded with Jap Millet and almost completely consumed by army worms. If you like the habitat or water levels in wetlands, be sure to thank the following staff: Seasonal technicians: Cody and Ron or Habitat Specialist: Sam If there's something you don't like on the area, be sure to tell the Area Manager, Jacob. Hope everyone has a great season. Enjoy your time in the field!
Season Dates | LOW PLAINS TEAL: Sept. 14-29, 2024 SOUTHEAST ZONE YOUTH/MILITARY: Nov. 2-3, 2024 SOUTHESAT LATE ZONE DUCK SEASON OPENS Nov. 9, 2024 - Jan. 5, 2024 and Jan 11-26, 2025 WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE OPENS Oct. 26, - Dec. 29, 2024 and Jan. 25 - Feb. 16, 2025 CANADA GOOSE SEASON OPENS Oct. 27-28, 2024 and Nov. 6 - Feb. 16, 2025 Light GOOSE SEASON OPENS Oct. 26-27, 2024 and Nov. 6 - Feb. 16, 2025 Conservation Light Goose season is from February 17 - April 30, 2025 |
Comments | Please report all banded waterfowl to the appropriate agencies. Gas motors are restricted to Unit G and the boat lane in Unit A-East. Outboards cannot be used in any other wetland units. Electric trolling motors are unrestricted. Atv's of any kind are not allowed on the area (side by sides, utv's, amphibious vehicles, "argos", this also means no electric bicycles) Campgrounds on the area are primitive. (No electric, No water) Take your trash with you! Please remember to fill out the daily permit with accurate information. THIS INFORMATION IS VERY IMPORTANT TO THE CURRENT AND FUTURE MANAGEMENT OF THE AREA. FILL OUT ONLY YOUR INDIVIDUAL HARVEST EFFORTS, each individual hunter needs to check in/out and report his/her harvest totals. i.e., NOT A GROUP HARVEST TOTAL. |
MELVERN LAKE/WILDLIFE AREA - Last Updated: 1/16/2025 Print
Waterfowl Observed | Waterfowl observed on this report are based on what was observed on the day the report is updated. Waterfowl numbers and species observed can vary greatly from day to day. Weather conditions and hunting pressure will affect the number of waterfowl on the area. Melvern Lake and Wildlife Area fall within the Low Plains Late Waterfowl Zone. The Low Plains Late Zone will reopen for hunting from 01/18/2025-01/26/2025. Date: 01/15/25 Waterfowl numbers have significantly decreased since earlier in the season. Some ducks remain in the area, but in far fewer numbers. The West 1/4 of the lake as well as most coves off of the main lake are covered in ice. The Sundance Boat Ramp is currently not accessible to boats due to ice. All marshes are completely ice covered. The weather forecast indicates 1/16-1/17 will have high temperatures in the low 40s, however the temperatures for next week will drop with lows in the single digits. Due to this weather forecast, it is unlikely ice conditions will improve for the remainder of the duck season. Waterfowl observed: Mallard, Common Goldeneye, Canada Geese. Mallard Migration Rank = 2 (0 = no mallards and 10 = peak migration) |
Water level | Lake level = 1035.53; Conservation pool = 1036.00; Target goal for the lake is 1036.00. Target lake level and outflow is set by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. |
Hunting conditions | Melvern Lake and the Wildlife Area fall within the Low Plains Late Zone. There is water in most wetland pools. We will continue to stage up pools throughout the waterfowl season. 3 Duck Marsh- Both pools have been pumped to full or nearly full levels. Moderate to good moist soil vegetation. Willow Marsh- Almost full, moderate moist soil vegetation. Sundance Marsh- Good water, moderate to good moist soil vegetation Lowman's Cove- Water was left in these pools all summer. North pond dam has blown out and needs repaired. Poor moist soil production. Shoveler Slough- Water throughout majority of unit. Good moist soil vegetation in much of the unit. The parking lot for this wetland is located at the intersection of 317th and S. Davis Rd. Price Marsh- Some water has been pumped into Price. The current water level will be as much water as Price will be able to hold this year. Poor to moderate moist soil vegetation. The levee on Price has been significantly damaged in some areas by flood water. This will impact the amount of water held in the unit for this season. Please be patient while we work on solutions to the damage and ways to prevent damage in the future. The parking lot for this wetland is at 309th & Crawford. NO DRIVING ON THE LEVEE. Refuge-The refuge is on the west end of the lake and directly east of Willow Marsh. It produced moderate moist soil vegetation. Much of the refuge is dry and continues to dry out as lake levels drop. The Refuge Area is CLOSED October 1st through January 15th. |
Expected hunting success | Poor |
Comments | All hunters utilizing Melvern Wildlife Area are required to obtain a free daily hunt permit through the new electronic permit system. Hunters can register now to begin using the electronic system at https://ksoutdoors.com/checkin using your licensing login credentials. Waterfowl hunters utilizing the main lake are only required to obtain a permit when hunting west of Hoch Road. Please remember to fill out the permit with accurate information. THIS INFORMATION IS VERY IMPORTANT TO THE CURRENT AND FUTURE MANAGEMENT OF THE AREA. FILL OUT ONLY YOUR INDIVIDUAL HARVEST EFFORTS, i.e., NOT A GROUP HARVEST TOTAL. TEAL, LOW PLAINS ZONE Season: 09/14/2024 - 09/29/2024 Area open: East of Hwy. U. S. 283 Daily bag limit: 6 teal (any combination of teal: blue-winged, green-winged or cinnamon teal) Possession limit: 18 teal in possession (any combination of teal: blue-winged, green-winged or cinnamon teal) Stamps Required: Kansas HIP Permit, State Waterfowl Stamp, Federal Waterfowl Stamp YOUTH, VETERAN AND ACTIVE MILITARY WATERFOWL SEASONS (Youth 17 and younger) Low Plains Late Zone: 10/19/2024 - 10/20/2024 DUCKS, LOW PLAINS LATE ZONE Season: 10/26/2023 - 12/29/2024 and 01/18/2024 - 01/26/2025 Area open: Late Zone (see map) Daily bag limit: 6 (Limit Info) Possession limit: Three times the daily limit Stamps Required: Kansas HIP Permit, State Waterfowl Stamp, Federal Waterfowl Stamp DUCK LIMITS
CANADA GEESE Season: 10/26/2024 - 10/27/2024 and 11/06/2024 - 02/16/2025 Area open: Statewide Daily bag limit: 6 (including Brant) Possession limit: 18 Stamps Required: Kansas HIP Permit, State Waterfowl Stamp, Federal Waterfowl Stamp WHITE-FRONTED GEESE Season: 10/26/2024 - 12/29/2024 and 01/25/2025 - 02/16/2025 Area open: Statewide Daily bag limit: 2 Possession limit: 6 Stamps Required: Kansas HIP Permit, State Waterfowl Stamp, Federal Waterfowl Stamp LIGHT GEESE Season: 10/26/2024 - 10/27/2024 and 11/06/2024 - 02/16/2025 Area open: Statewide Daily bag limit: 50 Possession limit: No limit Stamps Required: Kansas HIP Permit, State Waterfowl Stamp, Federal Waterfowl Stamp The Refuge Area is CLOSED October 1st through January 15th. |
NEOSHO WILDLIFE AREA - Last Updated: 2/28/2025 Print
Waterfowl numbers | Hunters can check in here, https://ksoutdoors.com/checkin using your licensing login credentials or download the "GoOutdoors KS" app. Check-in / check-out is required for all hunters! NO ENTRY (by foot, boat, etc) INTO THE MARSH (water) BY ANY HUNTER UNTIL 5:00AM AND MUST BE OUT OF THE MARSH BY 1 HOUR AFTER SUNSET. (LEGAL SHOOTING TIME IS SUNSET). IF THE WATERFOWL REPORT HAS NOT BEEN UPDATED THAT MEANS THAT THE CONDITIONS ON THE AREA HAVE NOT CHANGED SINCE THE LAST UPDATE Duck species present Green-Winged Teal, Pintail, Gadwall, Widgeon, Shoveler, Mallard and a mix of diver species. Canada, White-fronted and Snow goose numbers are also present. |
Water level |
Dewatering will begin the first week of March and will continue through Mid May. The Neosho River Basin is now fairly flush with water. Water levels are in good shape in all pools with levels being around that 12 to 18" average. Boat hunters should still utilize caution when navigating through the hunting pools as there is still extremely shallow water and getting stuck could be a real possibility. Please utilize common sense and respect to other hunters. Please see area news for habitat conditions Boats are NOT required to hunt Neosho. Walk-in hunting is readily available with very few areas over knee deep. Hunters should take caution during the regular waterfowl season wading the boat lane (south end) in Pool 1 (tractor roads/foot crossings are in place); the very east side of 2A, and the oxbow area of 2B. Pool 1- 250 Acres Pool 2A- 120 Acres Pool 2B- 165 acres Pool 3 (Refuge)- 475 acres Pool 4A- 90 Acres Walk in and non-motorized boat hunting only Pool 4B- 40 Acres Walk in and non-motorized boat hunting only Pool 5- 60 Acres Pool 6- Dry Pool 7- Full Pool 8- 25 Acres Please remember that this pool is youth/mentor ONLY on weekends and holidays. Pool 9- 25 Acres South Unit- ALL POOLS FULL 100 Acres
Hunting conditions | SNOW GOOSE CONSERVATION SEASON IS THE ONLY OPEN WATERFOWL SEASON CURRENTLY OPEN Pumping is done for the year. Habitat looks extremely good, seed production for moist soil and row crops was good and the vegetation is tall and rank, so what water we have will be hard to see until vegetation begins to break down. Pool elevations average 12 to 18" in most of pools. Snow Goose hunting conditions will be POOR. Birds are on the move. We will have geese that migrate in during the day and then are gone the next morning.
Please see the area news page for a breakdown of habitat types within each pool.
Expected hunting success | SE ZONE REGULAR SEASON CURRENTLY CLOSED. DARK GOOSE SEASON CLOSES FEBRUARY 16, 2025 Poor. Area is 100% ice covered Please be respectful of other hunters and allow space between hunting parties. We want to thank everyone for the continued cooperation with utilizing our new electronic check-in/out system. The agency continues to work diligently on improving the new system and are confident it will be working for the upcoming waterfowl season. Area staff look at and sort this data in many different ways to make management decisions for upcoming years and to also look at what management strategies worked during the hunting season. |
Comments | ATTENTION: Federal waterfowl stamps purchased online are still required to be accessible to provide proof of purchase by the hunter if asked for by Law Enforcement! Reminder: Motorized watercraft are prohibited on the wildlife area until the day season opens. (5:00am, November 5,2022 for regular duck season.) DAILY REGULATION: NO ENTRY INTO THE MARSH (water) BY ANY HUNTER UNTIL 5:00AM AND MUST BE OUT OF THE MARSH BY 1 HOUR AFTER LEGAL SHOOTING TIME. DRONES ARE NOT ALLOWED ON PUBLIC LAND IN KANSAS All Boating regulations are enforced! (Lifejackets must be out and accessible, navigation lights, etc.) All boats must operate at no wake speeds within boating canals (signs are posted) No shooting is allowed from interior dikes Legal shooting hours are 1/2 hr before sunrise to SUNSET! Required Licenses/stamps: Hunting License, Federal Waterfowl Stamp, Kansas State Stamp, and Kansas H.I.P. Stamp. It is your responsibility to make sure you have the required licenses/stamps. You MUST also check in and check out here, https://ksoutdoors.com/checkin using your licensing login credentials or download the "GoOutdoors KS" app. Waterfowl hunting in Pool 8 is restricted to youth hunters and their mentor on weekends and holidays. There must be at least one youth per adult if the adult is hunting. (You can't have 5 adults and one youth). This applies during the Youth and Veterans season, this pool is for youth only during youth and veterans season, unless the veteran is taking a youth hunting. Atv's of any kind are not allowed on the area (side by sides, utv's, amphibious vehicles, "argos"; this includes electric bicycles) Campgrounds on the area are Primitive campground. (No electric, No water) Take your trash with you!! Please remember to fill out the permit with accurate information. THIS INFORMATION IS VERY IMPORTANT TO THE CURRENT AND FUTURE MANAGEMENT OF THE AREA. FILL OUT ONLY YOUR INDIVIDUAL HARVEST EFFORTS, each individual hunter needs to check in/out and report his/her harvest totals. i.e., NOT A GROUP HARVEST TOTAL. |
TORONTO RESERVOIR - Last Updated: 12/30/2024 Print
Waterfowl numbers | 12/27/24 Low numbers of dabblers on the lake at any given time along with smaller groups of divers. Area watersheds have been holding most of the region's birds. Lots of geese in the area but almost exclusively on private land. |
Water level | Lake is 0.28 above normal pool level. Most area marshes are dry. |
Hunting conditions | The lake has come up and submerged the mudflat vegetation. Hunting conditions will heavily dependent on weather. |
Expected hunting success | Fair |
Comments | Waterfowl reports will be posted on a bi-weekly basis throughout the fall and winter waterfowl seasons. Updates will be made when a significant change in bird numbers is observed. For information pertaining to the Toronto Wildlife Area call 620-583-6783. |