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McPherson Valley Wetlands (Locations) 5%
years, whooping cranes visited the area in 1995. In the spring of 2016, 17 whooping cranes were observed in the Big Basin marshes. .... Continue to McPherson Valley... >>
Pratt (Folder) 5%
Pratt Sandhills Wildlife Area Pratt Hatchery Pratt Education Center Isabel Wetland Wildlife Area Texas Lake Wildlife Area .... Continue to Pratt >>
Southwest Region (Folder) 5%
farming operations mixed with native shotgrass prairie. Through the central part of this region is a landscape called the Arkansas River Lowlands, which follows the Arkansas River and is made up of sandhill .... Continue to Southwest Region >>
Southwest Region (Image) 5%
and is made up of sandhill grasslands. The southeast corner of the region is within the Red Hills, a rough, hilly mid-grass prairie landscape that is still largely intact. The mix of physiographic types .... Continue to Southwest Region >>
Rock Hills High School (Article) 5%
Biologist: Luke Kramer (785) 545-3345 lucas.Kramer@ks.gov Regional Coordinator: Mike Rader (620) 672-0708 mike.rader@ks.gov Special Features: Sandhill Plum thicket, bird feeding station .... Continue to Rock Hills High S... >>
Hunting (Sub Location) 5%
for additional information and reservations. In the event of whooping crane activity, the pool the birds are in is closed to all hunting and the goose hunting zones are closed to crane and light goose hunting .... Continue to Hunting >>
Kirwin National Wildlife Refuge (Folder) 4%
during fall through early winter. Other migratory birds, including the endangered whooping crane pictured above, can be found on the refuge. .... Continue to Kirwin National W... >>
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