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Dove (Species) 3%
. They are hunted in 39 of the 48 conterminous states and their harvest exceeds that of all other migratory game birds (ducks, geese, swans, cranes, rails, woodcock, and snipe) combined. Currently, Kansas .... Continue to Dove >>
Birding (Landing Page KDWPT) 3%
Crane are known to make stops at Quivira on their flights from Canada to South Texas and back. A drive in the country might be very rewarding for spotting game birds or waterfowl species .... Continue to Birding >>
Federal Migratory Bird Regulations (Folder) 3%
and Federal regulations. The list of migratory game birds includes species of ducks, geese (including brant), swans, doves and pigeons, cranes, rails, coots, gallinules and moorhens, woodcock and snipe .... Continue to Federal Migratory... >>
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