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Southwest (Landing Page KDWPT) 4%
farming operations mixed with native shotgrass prairie. Through the central part of this region is a landscape called the Arkansas River Lowlands, which follows the Arkansas River and is made up of sandhill .... Continue to Southwest >>
About Kansas Hunting (Folder) 4%
to Wichita, then south to Oklahoma. Sand and sediment carried by the river have formed sandhill grasslands along this corridor, and this area provides ideal lesser prairie chicken habitat. This midgrass .... Continue to About Kansas Hunting >>
Kansas Wetlands Education Center (Locations) 4%
of the rarest birds in North America – whooping cranes – or bald eagles standing on the frozen waters of the Bottoms. .... Continue to Kansas Wetlands E... >>
Glen Elder Waterfowl Report (Report) 3%
Waterfowl numbers *** ENDANGERED WHOOPING CRANES COULD BE IN THE AREA *** Whooping cranes were again seen on the property on 12/22 and are likely still be in the area. Hunters .... Continue to Glen Elder Water... >>
Kansas Bird Watching (Folder) 3%
and Quivira National Wildlife Refuge, located near Stafford, are wonderful sites for viewing migratory birds, during the spring and fall. Rare birds such as the Whooping Crane are known to make stops at Quivira .... Continue to Kansas Bird Watching >>
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