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Gurley Salt Marsh (Locations) 11%
The property was purchased by KDWP in 2012 from owner Jim Gurley utilizing both a NAWCA Grant and a Conoco-Phillips Playa Lakes Joint Venture Grant. This wetland area has long been known ... . - *NON-TOXIC SHOT IS REQUIRED FOR ALL SHOTGUN HUNTING* Camping, fires, and target shooting are all prohibited activities on the property. Please take all trash with you. .... Continue to Gurley Salt Marsh >>
History (Folder) 10%
of southwest Kansas and the oldest publicly-owned bison herd in Kansas. The Bison Range was established in 1916 when President Woodrow Wilson granted 3,021 acres of the former Kansas National Forest to the state ... Kansas National Forest and the Sandsage Bison Range and Wildlife Area .... Continue to History >>
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