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Prairie Longrifles Inc. (Event) 14%
Events: Men, Women & Juniors - Rifle, Pistol, Knife & Hawk, Supervised Pre-Junior Shoot, Under the Table Shoot, Kids Events. ALL EVENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE All shooting from bag, Round Ball ... Mountain Man Rendezvous / Black Powder Riffle Shoot .... Continue to Prairie Longrifle... >>
Byron Walker (Locations) 13%
those found on private land. Bowhunters can improve their shooting skills at the archery range locate adjacent to the area headquarters.   ... . Target shooting only in designated shooting ranges (Only archery on Byron Walker Wildlife Area). Decoys may not be left out in field. General Hunting Information on Public Lands Officer Checks .... Continue to Byron Walker >>
Southeastern Kansas Hunting and Fishing Expo (Event) 12%
Door prizes and drawings; kids casting contest; old fashioned turkey shoot; youth archery range; NRA's Eddie the Eagle; turkey hunting, cat fishing and furharvesting seminars. .... Continue to Southeastern Kans... >>
Glossy Snake (Species information) 12%
Barber Chase Cheyenne Clark Comanche Finney Ford Gove Grant Gray Hamilton Harper Harvey Haskell Kearny Kiowa Logan Meade Morton Pratt Reno Rice Seward Stafford Stevens Sumner ... of eggs ranging from 3-23 eggs with an average of 8. Eggs hatch in 2-3 months. They kill their food by constriction, and feed primarily on lizards and small rodents. Predators of this species probably .... Continue to Glossy Snake >>
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