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Youth Archery Day (Event) 10%
such as: bow basics, hunter ethics and tactics, and range safety. Following the lunch, sponsored by the Friends of Eisenhower State Park, the youth will have their choice to shoot on either the NASP static .... Continue to Youth Archery Day >>
Chihuahuan Raven (Species information) 10%
Barton Cheyenne Comanche Cowley Edwards Finney Ford Grant Gray Greeley Hamilton Haskell Hodgeman Kearny Kiowa Lane Logan Marion Meade Morton Pawnee Rawlins Scott Sedgwick ... , but their stick nests may be found in isolated trees and on windmills on the prairie. Their breeding range formerly encompassed the western part of Kansas along the Colorado border eastward to as far as Ford .... Continue to Chihuahuan Raven >>
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