Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS)
Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS)
Organisms released into habitats where they are not native often out-compete natives through a lack of predators, parasites, and competitors that kept the non-natives in check where they originated. In favorable environments their numbers can explode, and, once established, are seldom eradicated. Some aquatic nuisance species in Kansas are the asian carp, zebra mussels, and white perch
Anglers can help prevent the spread of ANS species by monitoring their boats (including pond bass boats, canoes, float tubes), trailers, anchors, and anything else that comes in contact with the water. Remove any plants or animals from boating equipment and drain the livewell before leaving the water body. Empty bait buckets on land — not into the water — before leaving the waterbody. Wash boating equipment with hot (at least 104°F) water and dry for at least 5 days before transporting to another waterbody. Learn to recognize exotics that may be in or near your area. Consult the Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism for more information.