List of Live Animals on display in the Park Office

Live / Office Animals
Come and visit our State Park Office to see a collection of common animals found in Kansas.
In our office we've got quite the collection of turtles, snakes and fish on display. Whether you want to identify a snake or just want to know what to look out for, this is the perfect place to do it. Our office display started in 1998 with just a Copperhead and a Timber Rattlesnake. Now we currently have a total of 3 different types of snakes native to Kansas, 5 different types of turtles & native fish.
(The three venomous snakes that were in our office over the years have been donated to the Hay's University History Museum in December 2013. If you're ever out that way check out the Timber Rattlesnake, Copperhead and Massasauga Rattlesnake.)
Contact us today for a FREE Show & Tell! Gather your group, be it Scouts, School, Church Group or you'd like to bring your whole family. We can schedule a "Show & Tell". Get a private tour and a hands on experience for all to enjoy! (Minimum of 10 per group.)
Snakes- Black Rat Snake, Prairie Kingsnake & our famous Coachwhip Snake (Slick). You'll see his photo in many of our postings. He goes to all of our Animal Show-n-Tell Nature Programs. After we talk about identification and fun facts we give those who are interest the chance to touch or hold him and get their picture taken.
Native Fish Aquarium has - Currently two catfish and gold fish.
99 Gallon Fish Aquarium it has - Snapping Turtle, Red Earred Slider, Painted Turtle & Musk Turtle (Also known as Stink Pot Turtle) along with fish.
Spiny Soft Shell Turtle - We have a female soft shell turtle enclosure. These secretive turtles are very interesting to observe.
Displays - White Faced Hornets Nests, Deer Antlers, Quail, Zebra Mussels, several items found on old homestead foundations through out the park, Skins and Skulls of all kinds!