Flint Hills Trail State Park

Flint Hills Trail Calendar
Park News
Flint Hills Trail Alert

Restrooms at Pomona, Miller, Admire, and Bushong trailhead are now open.  Working water fountains are available at Bushong, Admire, and Miller during warmer months, but must be shut off when cold weather arrives.  Please always be aware of changing trail conditions due to weather such as cracks in the trail surface or obstacles such as fallen trees.

Trail Constuction and Section Closure. The section of the Flint Hills Trail between Vassar and South Lewelling Road in Osage County is now closed until at least the end of May 2025 while the trail section is upgraded. Travel in this area will require a detour. The shortest bypass uses county roads and the Highway. Traffic is heavy on this highway and other county roads may be used for bypass. (Using 245th for East West travel and accessing the trail via South Croco and South Fairlawn is a longer route with slower traffic). Visitors should evaluate routes and use caution during road travel. Please monitor this page for updates as well as the Kanza Rail Trail Conservancy Facebook page.

Flint Hills Trail Map (PDF 866.08 kB)

Opening of Osage City to Allen section October 3, 2020

The park is open to any non-motorized travel – hiking, biking and horseback riding – and is accessible for electric wheelchairs in many locations. There are no permits required to enjoy the park.

This crown jewel of Kansas trails extends 118 miles from Osawatomie to Herington. It is the eighth-longest rail-trail in the U.S. and the longest trail in Kansas. It follows the general route of the Santa Fe National Historic Trail and is a component of the coast-to-coast American Discovery Trail. In October 2020, the U.S. Department of the Interior announced the trail has been designated a National Recreation Trail. NRT designation promotes some of our country's highest-caliber trails with the intention of providing recreation access to rural and urban communities, economic development through tourism, and healthy recreation opportunities. 

As of fall 2020, of the 89 miles that are open and traversable between Osawatomie and Council Grove, about 59 miles have been developed with new surfacing, infrastructure, and safety improvements. Where open, it is well-maintained. There are currently vault toilets at Bushong, Admire, Miller, and Pomona. And water fountains at Bushong, Admire, and Miller these are only open during warmer months. Some of the trail is still under construction, so plan accordingly. The segment between Council Grove and Herington is closed.

Flint Hills Trail State Park crosses the Flint Hills, one of the last remaining tallgrass prairie ecosystems in the world. It is home to abundant prairie plants and wildlife species, spectacular views, national historic sites, and a diverse set of recreational areas. On eastern portions of the trail, hikers and bikers travel along the Marais Des Cygnes River, between rushing waters and towering bluffs, through rolling farmland and riparian woodlands. Flint Hills Trail State Park connects with Prairie Spirit Trail State Park in Ottawa.


Flint Hills Trail State Park was established by the Kansas Legislature in 2018. Formerly called the Flint Hills Nature Trail, it follows the rail-banked corridor of the former Missouri Pacific Railroad (MoPac). MoPac discontinued actively using the line in the 1980s. The corridor was railbanked in 1995 and later transferred to the Kanza Rail-Trails Conservancy (KRTC), which worked to develop the trail in locations where volunteers and funding were available. KDW&P began partnering with the KRTC in 2013 to help develop the trail. While the trail is now a state park, the KRTC will remain a valued partner.  

The Trail is Under Development

The trail is open from Osawatomie to Council Grove and connects to the Prairie Spirit Trail at Legacy Square in Ottawa.  The Osawatomie trailhead is west of the intersection of 12th St. and South St.  The Council Grove trailhead is at the intersection of Donnon St. and Walnut St.  There are additional trailheads at Rantoul, Ottawa, Pomona, Miller, Admire, Allen, and Bushong.     

Several segments of the trail are unimproved or closed, but long-range plans call for it to be improved along its entire length. Improvements will be completed in segments as funds become available. Developing the trail will encourage outdoor recreation and provide safer routes for pedestrians, bicyclists and equestrians. Please check the "Flint Hills Trail Project" page below for construction updates.

Flint Hills Trail Project

Flint Hill Trail Mileage and Elevation Map at TravelKS.com

Prairie Spirit Trail State Park

Park News - Updated: 08/26/2019
General Information

Flint Hills Trail Calendar