Hunt 4 Hunger

Location: Eisenhower State Park

Type: Benefit Fishing Tournament

Dates: 06/05/09 - 06/07/09

Contact: Chuck Gardner

Phone No: 620-343-0225

Time: 6:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Other Information:

Multi-Species Benefit Fishing Tournament.

For more information click here Hunt 4 Hunger to go to the website.

Fish fry on Sunday 2pm - 5pm at IKE's Shelter house, please contact Chuck at the phone number listed if you think you'll attend the fish fry so he knows he has enough fish.


  • $60 per two person team or
  • $50 and 10 canned goods


  • 1st $500
  • 2nd $400
  • 3rd $300

Prizes are based on the number of teams entered