Perry State Park

Regular Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. (NO BOAT Registrations after 3:30 pm or on the weekends) 

Tune in to our updated Facebook page for the most up to date information.

BOAT Registrations Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 3:30 pm ONLY. Please call the office ahead of time 785-246-3449 if you have questions.


All Boats New Registrations, Renewals and Transfers. Kansas Requires a bill of sale. A copy of the appropriate bill of sale is on this website. We need this information for our files, and we cannot make copies. Please, boat registrations are done Monday - Friday 9:00 -3:30 Only. No boat registrations can be done on the weekend. Your registrations can be done here at Perry State Park. Monday thru Friday 9am-3:30pm. YOU must have all paperwork done ahead of time. Copies cannot be done here.

  • This means you will need to provide us a copy of your bill of sale., please make your own copy to keep for yourself.
  • If you bought the boat from a dealer in state or out of state, YOU MUST SETTLE YOUR SALES TAX with your County first, so you will need a copy of the sales tax receipt you receive from your county.
  • You will need to provide A PRINTED picture of the HULL ID - if you can't print a picture, we can take a readable etching of the HULL ID Number that is associated with your vessel. (The Hull ID is located on the back of the transom, and it is 12 digits long)
  • There is a form to fill out. This form is under -how to register your boat, "the Application for Certificate of Number Kansas Boating" open the + Registration and Renewal Forms." All new boats, out of state boats, and transfers of boats with a KA number already will need to fill out this form. It must be signed and filled out completely.

We ask that all visitors still practice social distancing.  Maintain a safe space between yourself and others... Be aware of surfaces that are touched regularly, and remember they are only as clean or sanitized as the last person to use it.  Wash your hands with soap and water and use alcohol base sanitizer after touching these surfaces (bathroom door handles, self-pay station, etc.)

All Vehicles will need a permit no matter the length of stay

Online reservations for the April 1-Oct 31, 2025, Camping Season at Perry State Park are now open. or, you may also call the office.  Eagle Landing, Cougar Pass, Lake View and Cottonwood Bridge are the utility areas, and these sites are reservable. All primitive areas Mulberry Grove, Catfish Alley, Hideaway and Hobie Cove first come first serve no reservations.

The water is still off to most areas of the park.  Plans and preparations are in the works to get the water turned on. Weather permitting this should start around March 28th. Each campground, bath/house and the lift stations are done on an individual basis.  Campgrounds Eagle Landing, Cottonwood Bridge and Wild Horse Equestrian have no water. Wild Horse Equestrian, Eagle Landing, Turkey Run and Lake View Bath/shower houses are still closed for the winter season.  The Dump Stations are open but have no water. The list below will be updated as we start to open campgrounds and bath houses.

NOTICE TO HORSE CAMPERS: You must have a HORSE ON SITE TO CAMP AT WILD HORSE EQUESTRIAN CAMPGROUND and if you are wanting to reserve a site with utilities you must call the office.  Currently Primitive areas at Wild Horse first come first serve.  When the weather changes and there is lots of precipitation "Do not ride on the muddy trails. If you leave tracks turn back". Please do not make new trails.  

Office hours are 8-4 Monday through Friday, and we can get very busy with many phone calls. So please leave a message with a phone number, if you want us to call you back during our office hours.  Refer to the Perry Calendar and or the State Park Alerts for Perry State Park for any office closures for the Holidays.

Business Rules as follows established in 2024:
1. All platforms. Implement a 'CHANGE FEE'. $5.00 fee. Applies to any reschedule or date change campsite/cabin reservation, and/or shortened stay. Does not apply to transfer same facility of campsite/cabin, unless a shortened stay.
2. All platforms. Campsite cancellation/no show 0-2 days prior to arrival date results is no refund. Campsite cancellation 3-14 days prior to arrival date results in loss of reservation fee, 1 night stay fees, and implement a $5 cancellation fee. Campsite cancellations 15+ days prior to arrival date results in loss of reservation fee + $5 cancellation fee.
3. All platforms. Cabin cancellation/no show 0-4 days prior to arrival date results is no refund. Cabin cancellation 5-29 days prior to arrival date results in loss of reservation fee, 1 night stay fees, and implement a $5 cancellation fee. Cabin cancellations 30+ days prior to arrival date results in loss of reservation fee + $5 cancellation fee.
Reminder: Reservations are not to be sold on Buy Sell Trade or Facebook Sites

Special Notes:

  • Hobie Cove: Individual camp sites are established 1-30.  This is to control the number of individuals camping in this particular primitive campground area.    Hobie Cove has numbered posts for the thirty camp sites.  Only three camp units will be permitted per camp site for a family or group. The post number indicates the middle of the site and only 3 camp units per site area. Appropriate fees will apply to each of the camp units (per tent and or camper).  Hobie Cove bathhouse is closed due the integrity of the building.
  • Pelican Point: Walk in camping only.  Please do not drive around the barricades.
  • Turkey Run: is closed due to construction.

ALL SEASONAL CAMPING SITES have been selected during the lottery held on December 2nd 2024

BOAT Registrations Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 3:30 pm ONLY Please call the office for questions or follow the link

HUNTING SEASON----Remember Horse Trails and Bike Trails can cross over into CORP OF ENGINEERS LAND and there might be some walk-in hunting during the various hunting seasons on their property and PERRY STATE PARK is scheduled for some special hunts in designated areas starting 9/15-12/31. Please use caution and wear brightly colored clothing (preferably ORANGE) when using all trails.  

Remember - Report all Wildlife and Parks violations! Call Operation Game Thief at 1-877-426-3843.

LAKE LEVEL INFORMATION: Normal Lake level is 891.50. 
For additional and up-to-date lake information go to US Army Corps of Engineers Kansas City District Website:


DUE to KDHE Lagoon Inspections the Fish cleaning station is still closed.  We can no longer dump the fish bones etc. into the Lagoon.  Accumulation of the bones, skins and other parts over the years have made the lagoon inoperable.  Permission to move the station and have the bones etc. discharge out into the lake has been granted; we know there have been many unforeseen delays in this project, and we apologize.  Thanks for your patience and rest assured we are working to get the much wanted and needed facility up and running again, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.