Kansas Crappie Club

Location: Perry State Park Lake View Boat Ramp

Type: Veterans Day Shootout at Perry Lake

Date: Saturday, November 11, 2017

Contact: KansasCrappieClub@Gmail.com

Phone No: 785-207-4321

Time: 6:00 am - 2:30 pm

Other Information:

Kansas Crappie Club, Attn: Joe Bragg
2938 SW Woodstock 
Topeka, KS  66614

Veterans Day Single Pole Shootout at Perry
 This Tournament will be a Fundraiser to help KDWPT with the Free Fishing Licenses for Veterans. They get money every year, but every year it runs out before they can get to everyone. So, to help do our part, we will have a Single Pole Shootout.
***Entry Fee will be $250.00 Per Team
*** Optional Big Fish Contest- $ 50.00 Per Team
*** All Anglers MUST ....only fish with a single pole, rigged with a single artificial lure at a time
***  7 Fish Weigh In with 80% of Entry Fees going to Payouts, with the remaining 20% of Entry Fees going to KDWPT to help provide free fishing & hunting opportunities for our Disabled Combat Veterans with a  
VA Disability rating of 30% or greater.