Webster News


Monday-Friday        8 am to 4 pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday

Webster State Park Phone number is 785-425-6775.

You can make reservations online at www.reserveamerica.com or www.kshuntfishcamp.com or through the CampIt KS app on your cell phones.   You can purchase your annual camp and annual vehicle permits online, calling the office or coming into the office.   Please call us at 785-425-6775 for any reservation questions. 

Old Marina Shower House closed for the season.
Townsite Shower House closed for the season.
Rock Point Shower House closed for the season.
Water at OMC 43-51 has been shut off for the season.


To check on the daily water level elevations, click on the link below for the US Bureau of Reclamation Webster Reservoir current data website.


Current lake elevation: 1866.88
Conservation: 1892.4
Inflow:    0 cfs
Outflow:  0 cfs

We have been given permission on a trial basis to allow QUIET generators in the primitive camping areas during quiet hours from 11pm to 6am.This does not mean you can bring any generator out to the lake and run it all night. QUIET generators will be allowed to be used only if the decibel reading is 60 decibels or lower at 60 feet away from the generator in all directions. You might be asking how do I know if my generator will be allowed? All you need to do is download a decibel meter on your smart phone and you can find out if your generator will work.