Pomona Reservoir Fishing Report -
 Species Rating Size Baits, Method, & Location
Channel, Blue, Flathead Catfish Slow all sizes Good baits are worms or dip baits and cut sunfish or cutshad.  The State Park and the Coe of Engineers provide many great shorelines for family from the bank fishing. The Rock Quarry is a good place for shore fishing. The outlet can be very good when releasing larger amounts of water.  There is the occasional harvest of a blue catfish.  Channel catfish are in great shape, many in the 2 to 4 pound range.  Lots of catfish caught in the spillway on worms or cut bait.
Walleye/saugeye Slow varies Try crank baits or jigs tipped with night crawlers along the dam or rocky areas
White bass/Wipers Slow varies There are good white bass up to 2 pounds and good wipers up to the 5-7 pound pounds.  Good baits are minnows/live baits, cut bait, sometimes for wipers use liver and shad imitation lures.   Look for where shad are schooled up.   
Crappie Slow varies but range 8 -12 inches Very good crappie are still being caught.  Sampling shows alot of good crappie over 10 inches here.   Shallow windy shorelines and points are good places for crappie feeding on gizzard shad. Best baits are dark jigs and/or minnows.   When releasing high volume of water the outlet/spillway is fantastic. 
Largemouth Bass Poor Most are 10 to 15 inches Pomona has a limited black bass fishery with some smallmouth bass being caught. Catches are more common in the Marina area and in the coves on a variety of baits to include crankbaits and soft baits
General Information

Water levels are good. The weather is great for fishing.  Pomona has produced many good crappie in the 10 to 14 inch range and excellent white bass.    Also remember this lake has a good wiper and an improving walleye, saugeye population.  These are often caught at the drop offs along creek channels, and around concentrations of gizzard shad.

The reservoir also supports some larger walleye and blue catfish, though in low numbers.  These numbers will be improved by future stockings. 

 Zebra mussels now inhabit this lake. This means take EXTRA PRECAUTION to help prevent the spread into uncontaminated impoundments.

"Clean, Drain and Dry" before and after using any equipment on this lake.

 For additional information, water temperature, release rates, please check:  http://www.nwk.usace.army.mil/Locations/District-Lakes/Pomona-Lake/Daily-Lake-Information/ 

Have FUN, Get the kids, get your friends and Go Fishing. Remember to "CLEAN, DRAIN AND DRY" your boats and equipment. The State and COE Parks are ready for family fishing.

Sign up for the Mound City Fishing District Newsletter today!

Check out this video on fish management provided by KDWP http://ksoutdoors.com/Fishing/Special-Fishing-Programs-for-You/Fishing-Videos/Kansas-Fish-Management 

For crappie anglers, watch this 25-minute video that covers Kansas crappie fishing during spring, summer, fall, and winter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sazyEuIT_bk